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OBGE Problems...


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If uninstalling OBGE completely (the esp and all the shaders etc.) then deleting your Oblivion.ini and then restarting the game (to create a new Oblivion.ini with default settings and your hardware rediscovered) doesn't work you may have no other choice. If your Oblivion install directory is the default C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... then the Microsoft security feature UAC could be causing problems. It's designed to stop changes to programs installed in the Program Files directory. If you do decide to re-install the game use bben46's to get a correct and complete job done.

God Damn Bill Gates >.> but thanks very much I don't have to download everything again cause I store it in a 'Downloaded Mods' Folder thank you very much for helping me with my problem :)

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If uninstalling OBGE completely (the esp and all the shaders etc.) then deleting your Oblivion.ini and then restarting the game (to create a new Oblivion.ini with default settings and your hardware rediscovered) doesn't work you may have no other choice. If your Oblivion install directory is the default C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... then the Microsoft security feature UAC could be causing problems. It's designed to stop changes to programs installed in the Program Files directory. If you do decide to re-install the game use bben46's to get a correct and complete job done.

Could you give me instructions on enabling OBGE? Cause this just aint working. Same thing happens no god rays no shaders, can someone give me an example for looking out for OBGE it says in the console its doing everything but I dont see any depth of field. Damn this thing man I'd rather do without it.

Edited by Driko1997
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