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Need help scripting a quest


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I need to make a quest where you kill X creatures, and when you kill them it goes to the next stage of the quest (or in this case, goes to the next stage and completes the quest)


I need to know how to script it to make it work... I tried finding a tutorial on google and the GECK website, with no success.

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What I like to do is to have the quest script control the variables.


So your quest: "KillCreaturesQuest" has a script selected to it:


scriptname KillCreaturesQuestScript

short killed

begin GameMode
  If killed == X    ;X is # of creatures killed
      SetStage MyQuest YY  ;YY is the next stage


Then, you also need this script to be running off of your creatures to be killed. This is what will raise the death tally.


 scriptname KillCreaturesDeathScript

Begin OnDeath
   set KillCreaturesQuest.killed to KillCreaturesQuest.killed + 1

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Thank you both, PaladinRider... that looks like it will work .Thank you so much!


Now all I haveto fix is the Creatures not fighting correctly and my quest will be complete. :)

Edited by Anubis_Grim
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