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Strange Player Character Movement


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I'm having a strange problem with my latest mod. About 75% of the time, my character will be running through my new worldspace normally, but every now and then he'll hit a patch where the framerate doesn't drop (even his run animation stays constant) but his actual movement becomes slow and jittery. It's as if he's trying to push his way through some invisible collision barriers. One thing I did notice that's out of place about my mod is that it's at a really high elevation (140k, I meant to put it at 14k originally but must have accidentally hit zero one time too many). Could this be causing the problem? I tried lowering the elevation again but it doesn't seem to affect the land I've already molded, and that's a solid 3 days of work there so I'd like to keep it if possible.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Well, for starters I think it might be helpful if you told us what mod you're talking about. :biggrin:


Second; What do you use to manage your mods? FoMM? If so, have you tried changing load orders, or even better, run the BOSS auto sort feature?

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