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Load Order Help


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Can someone please help me get my load order correct ?


Also, I can't figure out how to merge the clothing mods into a single esp...which I'd like to do. Could anyone help me with that?


EDIT: Newest Load order posted on page 4

Edited by HHRawr
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I have boss, it only does half of the files. FO3 I can't figure out how to use at all. I can't merge files at all for the life of me, I fail every time I try. It's a lot more complicated then oblivion.


it would be more helpful if you told me how to do something...rather then telling me to go and do it. I've tried time and time again to get FO3 Edit to work and to use it, but can't find any tutorial or any help at all on using the program. I downloaded wrye flash, but it's not an installer like wrye bash, and I have absolutely no idea where to install it and there are no instructions for it. I tried to merge using FOMM, that failed to.


I'm getting extremely frustrated at this point. I'm a modder, I make stuff for oblivion all the time, but these fall out 3 tools are not only much more difficult to use but come with a lot less instruction on how to use them so I can't even LEARN how to use them.



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First, I would personally never show my frustration on a public forum. Especially not if I'd be requesting for help.

Then again, FO3 has made me want to trow my rig out the window from time to time too so... well, you get the picture :tongue:


Anyway, you could, instead of using BOSS, just try the load order report feature of FoMM, see what load order it recommends.


Looking at your load order, I can see that you have the "james invisible walls bug remove" thingy.

That version has been updated. you might want to download the newer version. Also, it needs to be all the way down in your load order at all times. Yes, even behind CRBSOR.

Also, whenever you use FO3edit's masterupdate function, turn "invisible walls bug remove" off. For some reason, whenever you try to esm-ify it, it will result in ctd's in FO3. The author, ccmechanic2, is still looking into that.


Last, the manual for FO3edit can be found here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8629


Well, as always, hope it helps.

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I'm not entirely sure what the master update function is. I've never used it. As for the invisible bugs thing - I just downloaded that tonight. If there's a newer version I'm very confused, seeing as I got it only a few hours ago.


Could you link me to the newer version?


Also, I'd just like to merge all of my clothing into one esp.

Edited by HHRawr
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That was fast!

Anyway. I assume you've downloaded FO3edit, right?


After correctly installing it, look up your fallout 3 folder. In it you'll find the FO3Edit .exe

Copy it. then rename the copy to: FO3MasterUpdate

Run it, wait for it to finish, then exit. That's it. (just don't forget to disable the invisible walls thingy first!)


(I think the above feature is also described in great detail in chapter 6 of the manual.)


About the invisible walls thinghy: You're right! Didn't notice he updated it. Sorry for the confusion.


Edit: I can't really help you with the clothing problem, though you might want to see if Lings finer things doesn't have the "pure lust" esp already integrated in it.


Besides, does it matter? You're nowhere near the upper limit for the amount of mods yet :tongue:

Edited by BlackRampage
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Lings Finer things is gone, the author took it down yesterday just before I went to grab it. I am just anal about organization & cleanliness. I have a 100+ GB Data folder for oblivion, I don't want that to happen for fall out 3. I have FO3 Edit but it just installs to a folder...
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Ehhh, you don't have to install FO3 edit. When you download it, all you get is a folder with 2 files in it. these 2 files are then to be placed in your fallout 3 directory. after that you can do the master update stuff.


About the size of the data folder: well, thats quite unavoidable isn't it? Even if you would merge all .esp's the size will still remain the same. After all, all the necessary data would still have to be there.

So if you want to avoid you data folder to become as big the data folder for oblivion, the only solution would be to remove mods that you don't or rarely use. It's really up to you what to do.


That's all I can do.


Edit: Spelling errors

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True, But I also like a very small FOMM list. My oblivion list is gigantic and a pain to organize...

So do I, which is why I regularly disable and remove mods which I no longer use. Nevertheless, despite all the cleaning up I usually do, my list tends to get bigger and bigger too. :( Despite this I never have the feeling that it's a pain to organize it all, which is also caused by the fact that I never have to make any significant changes to the load order anymore... I mean, whenever I install a new mod, all I have to do is put the new esp or esm in it's correct location. (by using Fomm's load order recommendation)


Besides, depending on how often you download and try new mods, making a merged path all the time becomes more of a pain in the backside then the pain it's supposed to reduce, so I don't even bother with that anymore. :wink:


Well, at any rate it's obvious I won't be able to help you with this more then what I said already.


Hope it helps (again? Yes, again :tongue: )

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