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help with summon spell?


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I'd like to create a summon spell for my horse. I found a tutorial on yt that basically worked, but it duplicates the horse instead of moving him. What do I need to do to change that? And what is the best way to change the duration so that the horse doesn't disappear after awhile?


Thanks for any help!



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Easy pessy lemon squeazy. Just make an Actor Property in your spell and use MyActor.MoveTo(PlayerRef).


Here's a script I've been using for Mharphin:

Scriptname SKMFSummonMharphinScript extends activemagiceffect  

Actor Property Mharphin  Auto  

Message Property SummonMessage  Auto  

Bool Ready = True 

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

    If Ready; if we're ready

         Mharphin.MoveTo(Game.GetPlayer(), 100, 0, 100, true)
         Ready = False
         Ready = True



It's actually based upon a script by the wonderful Mattiswagg, so kuddos to her :)

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Put the horse in a custom cell like the unowned cell (duplicate said cell). Then change this part of the script:


Actor Property Mharphin Auto




ObjectReference Property Mharphin Auto


then set the property to the horse from the cell (very important or the script will not grab the horse and nothing will be summoned.


An actor property takes the data from the CK entry and adds it to the world while an object reference takes the existing world entry and simply moves it to where you specified. So the one horse from the custom cell will be moved where ever you summon him instead of making duplicates from the actor property. Actor properties work if your horse would dispel but since you don't want it to then you'll need to use an object reference.



Hope this helps

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  • 2 weeks later...

Move to will never duplicate, it will only move. Sounds to me like you ran the old PlaceAtMe() version and saved the game and now the script is baked into the save. Never alter the functionality of your script and try to use it on a save that has seen the old version unless you A) Know it will update properly as some will or B) Have some type of retroactive catch for potential errors such as this.


Also be aware that your horse may or may not be, strictly speaking unique. Some NPCS are spawn via script based on scripted variables whereas some have multiple records but appear to be the same actor in game. Cicero is a good example of the latter.

Edited by GrandBulwark
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