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Script problem


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I'm trying to do a timer to my New Vegas mod.

begin GameMode
    set fQuestDelayTime to 1; It should repeat the code every 1 second
    if ( timer < 5 )
        	set timer to timer+1; At the beginning timer is 0, so after 5 seconds, timer should be 5
	ShowMessage 000Mensaje2; it'll be shown after 5 seconds
	StopQuest 000Ordenadores

However, the message is shown after a randomly number of seconds (always bigger than 5) and i don't understand why. I've tried this alternative:

begin GameMode
    set fQuestDelayTime to 1; It should repat the code every 1 second
    if ( timer < 5 )
        	set timer to timer+GetSecondsPassed;
	ShowMessage 000Mensaje2; it'll be shown after 5 seconds
	StopQuest 000Ordenadores

But i give a similar result.


Thanks for reading

Edited by Olafo
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First of all, don't use numbers in front of your object names as this causes script problems and failures.


If you want to set a quest delay, it's:


SetQuestDelay MyQuestName 1	;One second


You don't need to run this function every gamemode block.

Also, you can set the delay to 1 second in the Quest object and skip the script function unless there is a reason to toggle the quest between different delays

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Thanks for the answering, both of you.

I have written this code:

ScriptName TimerSCRIPT
float timer
begin GameMode
    if ( timer < 5 )
        	set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed
	ShowMessage Mensaje2
	StopQuest Ordenadores


The first time that script is active, it works wrong, because the message is shown after a randomly number of seconds. The next times it works well.


Any idea?


Thanks again.

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The first time that script is active, it works wrong, because the message is shown after a randomly number of seconds. The next times it works well.


Any idea?


Thanks again.

It sounds like a 'dirty' save. If it's the same quest object and you have changed variables around, perhaps. Try loading a save from before you created the quest.

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