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No attributes? Am I the only one Worried?


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I think it's a good idea. The attributes in Oblivion didn't seem to do anything and there were too much of them anyways. Three different attributes that give you more Fatigue?


I'd like to see only three attributes: Strength for close combat and melee, Agility for lighter combat and stealth, and Intelligence for magic. That might make the game too simple, though.


Anyways, I trust Bethesda's going to make a good level up -system. They know what they're doing.

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I think the new system is ok,


if I want to be stronger in the game, I'll put on heavy armor, use heavy weapons and I'll get stronger naturally.


If I want to be a quick moving athlet I'll wear light armor and fight with bow and dagger.


If I want to be a powerful mage, I'll wear an enchanted robe, enchanted jewelry and clothes and use spells and staffs as much as I can to boost my magic abilities.


As there is also no star signs to choose from, this time choosing a race will actually make a difference for a change.


If I want to be just a little bit better at everything, then I'll just mix and match and use everything and anything as I please, and things will happen naturally. I like it this way I think, but I won't know for sure untill I play the game.

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Ok, let me draw a merry fancy picture. :biggrin:


In formal games, the attributes had been non-changing factors.

They just get accumulated, sometimes curse or poison decrease certain amount secs, but they are just seperated into the character sheet and inform you nothing but how your character is cool and well grown up.




But In 3-status meathods, three factors can be changed in every situations and your character's (formal) status will be changed directly under circumstances.


For example, your magicka gets low, it also gives the same effect of INT gone down drastic that makes your magic much weaken. You'll need to restore magicka, or change to weapons quickly, which make the gameplay more dynamic and situational.


And thanks to 3 status exactly displaying on the screen, you don't need to open the character menu or stare at Effects showing bar. All your consuming and remains will be exposed at your sight so you will see what situation your character is under and what to do directly.


Status changes such as diease, poison, cold also get alive.

For ex, you got poisoned, your health go down crazy, your combat prowess get significantly reduced, so Green Health Bar is not good and should be dealt imm. Because of the bar is green and low, you wil directly know that your formal STR, END are significantly decreased, without pushing any buttons.

Except there is no value such as "Int" or any of those other attributes. There is only HP, MP, Stamina, and skills as far as things are shown to the player. This does not mean that there aren't other derrived stats such as carry weight, spell effectiveness, spell resistance, recovery rate, weapon damage, movement speed, ect aren't still there but are simply handled in a different way than stats. As is, in Oblivion, most of the stats didn't mean very much when separated from their associated skills/derived stats and actually increasing some of the stats for one reason could have unwanted consequences eg; boosting strength too much let you carry more but also made your weapons break faster. Also, for the most part, you needed to decrease stats by quite a lot to have any negative effect... such as speed needing to be drained by 20-30 points to notice much difference in runspeed on a character with high athletics and strength being pretty much all or nothing to see any effect when dealing with NPCs. Other purely stat based aspects were pretty much absent in Oblivion, and were mostly there just for the purpose of filling in as a link between skills and derived stats. Even with mods that overhauled the leveling system, attributes were almost always put as a minor concern in favor of focusing on skills and some mod-specific stat elements.


Thank you both for the awesome replies, I can see now how this will work if they pull it off. It pretty strange and maybe they will do it right, new frontier so I will be watchen. This was informative.

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From all the info I see so far im not worried one bit. Some things they seem like they removed but just simplified it as really was no need for it to be complex. When the info on perks 1st hit some ppl had a problem thinking about why they would do this, if you think about it morrowind and oblivion had perks but back then they just never called it “perk”. Seems they touched on a lot of things overall that morrowind and oblivion failed on so this should be a very interesting game. I’m pretty sure even some ppl that are still worried on some of the changes once you sit down and play the game I believe your worries will be gone.
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The only attribute that i'm gonna miss is Luck.


I think it will be really hard for them to perk that s***.


What luck does


The first thing luck does is to modify all your skills by a small amount, if there are general perks there could be a perk for this, if there are only perks that belong to a concrete skill, it could be in one of the thief friendly skills as thiefs in many roleplaying games are usually good at many thing but masters of none (what it is usually know as jack of all trades)


For other things about luck there could be lots of perks in many skills.

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From all the info I see so far im not worried one bit. Some things they seem like they removed but just simplified it as really was no need for it to be complex. When the info on perks 1st hit some ppl had a problem thinking about why they would do this, if you think about it morrowind and oblivion had perks but back then they just never called it “perk”. Seems they touched on a lot of things overall that morrowind and oblivion failed on so this should be a very interesting game. I’m pretty sure even some ppl that are still worried on some of the changes once you sit down and play the game I believe your worries will be gone.

I believe so, again you cannot blame me, being used to Pen and Paper RPGs attributes are something I and used to. Not all change is good but not all change is bad. Mayhap this will be a good change, its a new thing for me for certain, glad here there are no drones, they are annoying.

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The changes in attributes don't worry me so much, and from what I've read in the recent articles it seems like they have made a very good game for us.

However, the part about how everyone laughed when Todd killed a guard with a headshot and the other guard standing less than three feet away looked at it and then said "I know I heard something"..... now that to me seems like it could be a little indication that the devs should spend some time tweaking the new ai some more :tongue:

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The changes in attributes don't worry me so much, and from what I've read in the recent articles it seems like they have made a very good game for us.

However, the part about how everyone laughed when Todd killed a guard with a headshot and the other guard standing less than three feet away looked at it and then said "I know I heard something"..... now that to me seems like it could be a little indication that the devs should spend some time tweaking the new ai some more :tongue:


I got worried about that too, sounds oblivion-like style, where in oblvion npcs had psychic powers, in skyrim they will be "i knew i heard something", when a corpse of their fellow falls down near him...well we could see it as a step forward..but i dont know xD


I seriously hope its not like that, or it will destroy the immersion completely. :down:

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