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Creature lag


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if i get attacked my a non humanoid creature i get lag... just being by a mudcrab lags me and riding a horse,


ive turned all my setings to max low and still lag.. great fps in cities tho :P


any clue what is happening


Pentium® D cpu 2.80

1.50 ram

Nvidia GeForce 210 Vetro 1024 MB

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The Oblivion.ini (that's located in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder) can be remade with the game defaults and re-discovering your hardware by deleting the current one and then restarting the game using OblivionLoader.exe (the normal shortcut if you aren't using one edited for Oblivion Script Extender). Your problem could also be related to a mod you've installed, deactivated but not uninstalled. Mods left in the Data folder after deactivating them still are seen by the game, and their resources are still found in the meshes and textures folders.


On the subject of re-installing, without using a registry cleaner such as CCleaner registry leftovers can cause problems with the game (not ones like the one you've described in my experience however). Have a look at this uninstall/re-install guide and see how your method compares to the suggestions.

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Find your Nvidia software set up programme. Once inside, locate any suggestion of triple buffering, make sure you check that it is positive, ie ticked. This makes a massive difference to games like Oblivion, set any slide bars to best quality. feel the difference!

Best Wishes Zapata935

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You didn't list your sound card. Is it onboard or a seperate card? This can make a difference. Oblivion plays a sound file for every footstep that hits the ground so of you're on a horse and get attacked by 2 wolves that's 12 wav files playing simultaneously. Try turning off sound and see if the lag goes away. If it does, try using the Quiet Feet Max mod to downsample or remove the feet sounds.



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