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Beth wants modding on consoles


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Well, you get what that means though? I was concerned that perhaps Bethsoft woulds go the usual lazy way and stop giving out SDKs, but if they infact want them for console...


It bodes very well for Skyrim's fuiture IMO, if they want mods for console, chances are they'll be in a giving mood when it comes to modding in general. For me ES = MODs!


I myself would like to see modding on console, my only concern is that perhaps the system would need a specialised imput device. Working with a control stick and buttons in a traditional SDK could be quite dificult and frustrating. This however, could be a perfect situation to introduce PS Move and Kinect to the world as a niche tool, rather than fluff. I think that would be brilliant-being able to use motion controls to essentialy "sculpt" the meshes and hand-draw the textures with your own hands. I'd love that, absolutely love it. for me that's gaming utopia.

Actually there isn't going to be an ability to mod using the consoles just play mods on them. And if a console SDK was included it would most likely limit people who have great knowledge of modding in Oblivion and Fallout 3 already.

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