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why am i obliged to use steam to install New Vegas after buying the game at my store???

i was thinking this damned thing of steam was only for downloaded games.

does somebody know a way to eradicate it without having problems with Fallout New Vegas?

Thanks if someone could help

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Because it says that on the back of the game package in the section labelled REQUIREMENTS.


It is also worth stating that the requirement is for registration, not to play. You can play offline without Internet, though I will grant you it takes Steam an annoyingly long time to figure that out.


Not only do I always read that stuff on every game I buy before I buy it (silly me) but my store salesman also pointed it out to me when I went to pay, very professional and courteous of him.

Edited by drakeelvin
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This is my first steam associated game...and I had reservations.

I originally even thought that I had to download the game from steam, which shows how little I actually knew.

Once registered, I set it to play offline and have had no problems at all, with the added bonus that pop on line and auto update.


I'm not certain about downloading games from steam due to my broadband package but the NV arrangement - no problem.

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Steam is a great gamer marketing and social system. It can be a bit tedious having to have it for some games, but it does offer a great way to talk to your friends without leaving a game. Not to mention the exclusive sells. Just picked up the full splinter cell series for 20 bucks last week.
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Once registered, I set it to play offline and have had no problems at all, with the added bonus that pop on line and auto update.



plus the unadvertised special bonus of steam recording all your activites with spyware that reports on you while it connects to steam


but its ok to trust them right? they only use this info to target advertising just for you and they would never sell your info to other advertisers, never lol.

Edited by webster63
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What spyware? Honestly, don't you think that Symantec or the other major antivirus and security companies would have issued some kind of warnings if they found out that steam.exe secretly installs some kind of spyware?


Oh right, they're of course part of the massive conspiracy orchestrated by Valve that aims to bring on the New World Order and install Gabe Newell as the supreme, unquestionable ruler of the world. :rolleyes:

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I have no issue's with Steam. Never have. I have been using it since 2004. Mostly because I was a big fan of HL 2 so it's always been on my machine. I have 20 or so friends I game with and we all chat back and forth in game etc. I got my Dead Money DLC via Steam along with many other games. It's actually a pretty low key app. It does track my time in game etc and I like that. Accomplishments earned etc. They run specials on games they sell. For instance this weekend Metro 2033 is selling for 9.99 all weekend. Not to shabby. I don't know, I can see why some don't care for it. I do like it a lot better than Games For Windows Live.
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THe only pet peeve Steam has given me(other than the fact that im issing 200$ in games..but i wont go there) is the fact that I CANT ROLL BACK MY GAMES! I wanna be able to roll back to another patch if the new one mucks stuff up more
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