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Elves of Lineage II Texture Issues


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Just like the title says, I am having problems with the textures of the Elves of Lineage mod showing up correctly. The body looks "washed out" (cliche phrase, I know) and I have tried everything I know to do. I have installed the newest update with no success, and I tried preforming archive invalidation. I'm not sure if it was successful, or if that was even the problem, especially since the textures still look the same. I did a manual install originally and with the update, and as far as I know the textures are in the correct paths (which i re-reviewed). Both males and females have no nipple color and the back has a very obvious line down the back of the npc/character. This is a very well designed custom race, and I hate that this texture issue makes them look so bad. If anyone know how to fix this please help! Thanks!
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From the mod description (emphasis added):



The new races feature full support for the following body mods; Robert's seamless male, Biu's adventuress body (BAB), Unofficial Fantasy Figures (Corwyn), Exnem's Eyecandy.


*In order to use these alternative textures you will have to go to the "extra" folder (included in the mod) and copy the files within the folder of your chosen body and paste them into your oblivion/data directory.

As far as I know if you use the HGEC body you'll need to select Exnem's Eyecandy.

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Ahh so probably, the easiest way to fix it would be to just re download and install the mod + update? I can overwrite files easy, but does the Elves of Lineage mod need to be uninstalled before I re install it in order to fix the problem?
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1. Extract the files to a temporary location.

3. Copy files to (install folder)\Oblivion\

4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the Elves OF Lineage II.esp file.

Looks like a copy and paste install to me, so you will be getting an "Overwrite?" dialog anyway. I don't see why not just redownload, extract and install over top the old.


Edit: On second thought, you have some conflicting files already installed (non-Exnem). Might be best to clean those out before you re-install and get off to a fresh start.

Edited by Striker879
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Ok, your edit is what I was thinking of. Here is my plan right now:

1) Re Download the Elves of LIneage Mod 2 + update

2) Compare the files in the newly downloaded mod with the files already installed. I am going to go ahead and patch up the new download as well so I have the most current version.

3) Use the download to clean out the installed files and then put the new downloaded files in. No overwriting, which, i believe, is a more precise way to make sure that there are no left over files that are causing the issues.


If the problem lies within my initial install, I think the above method should fix the problem. But this time, I am going to read the readme more throughly!!

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You're on the right track ... couldn't have said it better myself. The only overwrite dialog you should get is the standard one because the Data and meshes and Textures folders already exist. Edited by Striker879
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Turns out I didn't have to re install the mod. I just went and looked at the mod download page, followed the link leading to proper HGEC textures, downloaded the necessary files, and voila, they look fine. Thanks for everyone's help.
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