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Scripting help

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I am still in the dark when it comes to scripting. Whenever I create/change a script GECK won't save it and I can never figure out what is actually wrong with my script. What I'm trying to do is change the quest where you turn in VaultSuits to Sarah in Vault 21. I took the original script and just inserted a few new vaultsuits so that she would accept them and I followed the template that already existed. For some reason GECK won't save the script. Here is what I've changed:




scn VFreeformTheStreet01SuitCountScript

; - Jorge


Short Vault3Count

Short Vault11Count

Short Vault19Count

Short Vault22Count

Short Vault34Count

Short BoomSuitCount1

Short BoomSuitCount2

Short AsianVaultSuit101Count

Short AsianVaultSuit34Count

Short HispanicVaultSuit101Count

Short HispanicVaultSuit34Count


Short SuitCount

Short BoomCount

Short CashMoney



Begin OnTriggerEnter Player


Set Vault3Count to Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit3

Set Vault11Count to Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit11

Set Vault19Count to Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit19

Set Vault22Count to Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit22

Set Vault34Count to Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit34

Set AsianVaultSuit101Count to Player.GetItemCount AsianVaultSuit101

Set AsianVaultSuit34Count to Player.GetItemCount AsianVaultSuit34

Set HispanicVaultSuit101Count to Player.GetItemCount HispanicVaultSuit101

Set HispanicVaultSuit34Count to Player.GetItemCount HispanicVaultSuit34


Set SuitCount to ( Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit3 + Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit22 + Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit11 + Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit19 + Player.GetItemCount VaultSuit34 + Player.GetItemCount AsianVaultSuit101 + Player.GetItemCount AsianVaultSuit34 + Player.GetItemCount HispanicVaultSuit101 + Player.GetItemCount HispanicVaultSuit34 )


Set CashMoney to (SuitCount * 30)

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.CashMoney to CashMoney

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.VaultSuits3 to Vault3Count

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.VaultSuits22 to Vault22Count

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.VaultSuits11 to Vault11Count

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.VaultSuits19 to Vault19Count

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.VaultSuits34 to Vault34Count

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.AsianVaultSuit101 to AsianVaultSuit101Count

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.AsianVaultSuit34 to AsianVaultSuit34Count

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.HispanicVaultSuit101 to HispanicVaultSuit101Count

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.HispanicVaultSuit34 to HispanicVaultSuit34Count



If VFreeformTheStreet01.BoomerSuits == 1

Set BoomSuitCount1 to Player.GetItemCount OutfitBoomer1

Set BoomSuitCount2 to Player.GetItemCount OutfitBoomer2

Set BoomCount to ( BoomSuitCount1 + BoomSuitCount2 )

Set CashMoney to ( ( SuitCount * 30) + ( BoomCount * 15 ) )

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.CashMoney to CashMoney

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.Boomster1 to BoomSuitCount1

Set VFreeformTheStreet01.Boomster2 to BoomSuitCount2







If anyone knows what I need to look for please let me know. I'd appreciate any help at all.



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i can't say exactly what is wrong with your script and I am too tired to really check it right now. anyway some advice:


download "geck powerup" it lets you see your scripting errors instead of the vanilla that the script just won't save. i find it essential when modding.


normally the first thing to check for is to check for any misspellings witch will stop the script from compiling.


also remember that any item used in a script must exist and be a persistant reference, so if you haven't already create the valtsuits first.

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I did change the files in VFreeformTheStreet01QuestScript as well (or at least I tried but that wouldn't save either). The items are already added in GECK. I didn't actually copy, I just opened the existing script and added the lines for the other armor and then tried to save. I didn't rename the title.


I'll try using Geck Powerup and see if that shows the problem. I did run it through this script validator (http://www.cipscis.com/fallout/utilities/validator.aspx), but it wasn't clear about any problems with the script.


Thanks for the all the help so far!

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Set VFreeformTheStreet01.HispanicVaultSuit101 to HispanicVaultSuit101Count


check VFreefromTheStreet01 to make sure that HispanicVaultSuit101 is initialized in that script

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I tried using the GECK powerup and the error I'm getting is:


line 42: Unknown variable or function 'AsianVaultSuit101'

line 42: Missing variable name in set command.


I'm have no idea what this means. AsianVaultSuit101 exists and is spelled correctly. Anyone know?


So did you add this to the VFreeformTheStreet01QuestScript ?


short AsianVaultSuit101
short AsianVaultSuit34
short HispanicVaultSuit101
short HispanicVaultSuit34


You would get that error if you did not.

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