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I could be searching the wrong terminology ( wording it wrong ) via google or YOUTUBE ...as i can not find the answer . So was hoping someone could help



Power amour - NOT full sets you jump into , but the parts you find on raiders and other enemies


can these be made into fullsets ? I have collected alot of misfit power Armour parts ( sections ) and I don't know what to do with them ..IF they can be made into a fullset how do you do it ?


also just while i am here ....


I have built STORES in my main settlement but was going to build more in another - do i I need to create supply lines to that settlement or can i just build them and still get the money and benefits ?


at present supply line-from other settlements is TO - my main province only

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There are a few mods for crafting power armor frames and pieces. If you just want to randomly hunt for spare parts some vendors have them


if you can connect the dots between settlements they will share resources. If two are linked to a third point they are all connected. If you have them all connected to one point that's fine

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Yes. If all you have are the individual pieces, you still need a frame. You can buy them (though they can be pricey), or just use one of the techniques to persuade enemies out of their armor (pickpocket or shoot their fusion core, forcing them to exit the armor, leaving it available to enter if you have a core, yourself), making finding a frame unnecessary. =^[.]^=

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I went and bought a FRAME from diamond city , then went back to my main base to use it to assemble the raider , and other pieces of power Armour i had collected


but how do you assemble them to make a NEW ( out of parts ) power Armour ?


the power Armour crafting station is telling me I need to load a suit into it ... I can't as it's a arm , a leg , a head , a torso etc etc

Edited by stevearno
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you need to park the frame near the crafting station. enter the armor walk over to the station and exit. If you want to become a master power armor smith you will need to develop the perks science and armorer. For melee modifications you will also need the perk blacksmith. In addition you can download mods from nexus to allow you to make legendary mods to your armor and give it outstanding textures. One of my characters is flying around in X-01 Mk. VI Shadowed Almost Unbreakable armor with a Real Flying Jetpack and explosive leg vents to announce his arrival. He drops out of the sky like the angel of death

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