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I had a thought


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I was thinking IF both Alistair and your character both had hold of the sword that dealt the killing blow, which of them would die...

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I think they should duke it out myself. That would make for a funny ending but than maybe more like a sitcom ending wouldn't you think? I always felt that the two Wardens should talk about what Riodon told them together. Whether a couple of not, it still would seem like something two strong willed people would discuss before facing their end? They could draw straws? That isn't very entertaining though? I like the added ending between Alistair and Morrigan where they bash heads over what Alistair will do. Taking note that Morrigan really rather see Alistair die rather than her friend. Ah, the power of suggestion...Her real struggle is deciding whether the world would be better with or without him. Not whether the other GW lives or dies. She knew it was within her power to change the outcome of it but was it worth it to her? I did take into consideration the odds of her wanting more power to beat Flemish and using the child to gain this advantage. I haven't played WH yet so I don't know what the story really is all about there. Just my observations. Some parallel to King Arthur plots invade my thinking but I don't know if the writers picked up on that cue as I did?
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The ending is a mess in my opinion.


1. Why we cant make all party members Grey Wardens but Loghain can? It is only need to take one sip...


2. Why Riordan can jump on the Archdemon to injured it while we all have to die hard fighting it?


3. Why only one Grey Warden is needed to kill the Archdemon in final blow? Like this topic why not all the three hit at the same time?


4. Why must need to run and grab a random great sword to give the final blow?


5. If Morrigan can save the Warden through sex, why no one tell Riordan that he need not to jump on the Archdemon then fall dead?


6. Why need to keep the Joining secret? Why not just tell everyone about it? It only have to take one sincere person who ready to sacrifice his/her self to kill Archdemon, non Grey Warden can also kill dark spawns and injured Archdemon...no need to kill Ser Jory to keep the secret or making people piss off after knowing the truth.

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The ending is a mess in my opinion.


1. Why we cant make all party members Grey Wardens but Loghain can? It is only need to take one sip...


Because if you could where would be the SHOCK announcement from Riordan that only a GW can kill the AD and guess what it's going to be one of you 2.


2. Why Riordan can jump on the Archdemon to injured it while we all have to die hard fighting it?


He jumped on the AD with the intention of killing it, the AD isn't just going to let that happen if it can get rid of him I don't think it would have been his choice to fall to his death. And the story writers decided that he would die so that YOU would have to make a very hard choice. Do you do the DR with it's unknow consequences for the future or do you do the honorable thing and sacrifice yourself for mankind and if you are a female GW in love with Alistair or Zev give up the live happily ever after as well as your life. It is a game of making hard choices.


3. Why only one Grey Warden is needed to kill the Archdemon in final blow? Like this topic why not all the three hit at the same time?


The chances of 2 GW dealing the killing blow with 2 swords at "exactly" the same time would be impossible so there is no way 3 GW could deal the killing blow. That is why I said 'if both GW had their hands on the 1 sword as it dealt the killing blow'.


4. Why must need to run and grab a random great sword to give the final blow?


Because the programmers/story writers thought it would look more dramatic and if you didn't get to the AD in time to deal the killing blow and it just died, it's soul would go into the nearest darkspawn and you would have to fight the thing all over again. I prefer the dramatic death blow to having to fight it more then once in one game.


5. If Morrigan can save the Warden through sex, why no one tell Riordan that he need not to jump on the Archdemon then fall dead?


In my opinion, Riordan and any other older GW's would not approve of the Dart Ritual.


6. Why need to keep the Joining secret? Why not just tell everyone about it? It only have to take one sincere person who ready to sacrifice his/her self to kill Archdemon, non Grey Warden can also kill dark spawns and injured Archdemon...no need to kill Ser Jory to keep the secret or making people piss off after knowing the truth.


I've thought about this a lot and come to conclusion it's best the way it is and there is more to the joining than just drinking darkspawn blood, a mage is supposed to have to prepare it so there must be some kind of magic involved plus the use lyrium I would imagine. If they made the side effects of becoming a GW know, who in their right mind would volunteer. As a Human Noble female GW I always felt I was conned into becoming a GW.


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if love Alistair you still have to give him to Morrigan and they have baby... :(


loving Zevran is the most illogical...love someone who failed to assassinate you? What if he not failed? I slice his throat after interrogation lols There is no reason to recruit him anyway, Leliana is better rogue than him (well i build up leliana to become an all rounder)


There will always be a sincere volunteer to become a Grey Warden. To assume no one will volunteer is wrong and it show we have lost our faith in humanity. Not all people are selfish especially during hard time.


Who want to become a soldier if know we could die got shot? Who want to be a police? So it is not justified.


Just think..if forced someone to become Grey Warden, what guarantee that person will not betray and become traitor? Or simply left or run frenzy and become very bad person? We are going to die anyway so why not just being a bad ass every time?

Edited by Qistina
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if love Alistair you still have to give him to Morrigan and they have baby... :(


No you don't HAVE to, you can refuse.


loving Zevran is the most illogical...love someone who failed to assassinate you? What if he not failed? I slice his throat after interrogation lols There is no reason to recruit him anyway, Leliana is better rogue than him (well i build up leliana to become an all rounder)


This is down to personal opinion and choice. After the 3rd play though I don't even have Leliana in my party.


There will always be a sincere volunteer to become a Grey Warden. To assume no one will volunteer is wrong and it show we have lost our faith in humanity. Not all people are selfish especially during hard time.


There will also be a bunch of crazies that volunteer as well and I didn't say "no one will volunteer" the expression I did use is just an expression. Of course there will always be a few that are willing to die for the greater good. Equally there will be a lot that don't for all kinds of reasons.


Who want to become a soldier if know we could die got shot? Who want to be a police? So it is not justified.


Coming from a military family I'm not even going to answer this one, except to say when my son wanted to join the police force it never entered his or my head that he would ever get killed, police in the UK don't get killed that often that it is at the front of our thoughts.



Just think..if forced someone to become Grey Warden, what guarantee that person will not betray and become traitor? Or simply left or run frenzy and become very bad person? We are going to die anyway so why not just being a bad ass every time?


I've lived long enough and know from experience what you think you will do in a given situation can be far from what you do if you find yourself in that situation. Keep in mind this is only a story/game in it you can do what ever you choose and be who you choose the choices are yours to make.


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if love Alistair you still have to give him to Morrigan and they have baby... :(


No you don't HAVE to, you can refuse.


loving Zevran is the most illogical...love someone who failed to assassinate you? What if he not failed? I slice his throat after interrogation lols There is no reason to recruit him anyway, Leliana is better rogue than him (well i build up leliana to become an all rounder)


This is down to personal opinion and choice. After the 3rd play though I don't even have Leliana in my party.


There will always be a sincere volunteer to become a Grey Warden. To assume no one will volunteer is wrong and it show we have lost our faith in humanity. Not all people are selfish especially during hard time.


There will also be a bunch of crazies that volunteer as well and I didn't say "no one will volunteer" the expression I did use is just an expression. Of course there will always be a few that are willing to die for the greater good. Equally there will be a lot that don't for all kinds of reasons.


Who want to become a soldier if know we could die got shot? Who want to be a police? So it is not justified.


Coming from a military family I'm not even going to answer this one, except to say when my son wanted to join the police force it never entered his or my head that he would ever get killed, police in the UK don't get killed that often that it is at the front of our thoughts.



Just think..if forced someone to become Grey Warden, what guarantee that person will not betray and become traitor? Or simply left or run frenzy and become very bad person? We are going to die anyway so why not just being a bad ass every time?


I've lived long enough and know from experience what you think you will do in a given situation can be far from what you do if you find yourself in that situation. Keep in mind this is only a story/game in it you can do what ever you choose and be who you choose the choices are yours to make.



I agree with Ell46 on most of these points and I'm going to add a few things.


Regarding Zevran, I personally find him more entertaining than Lelianna, although I don't have anything against her. I used her as part of my party on my first two playthroughs, but now if I need an extra rogue in the party, it's Zevran. I know someone else who can't stand Lelianna because of her constant chantry/Maker cant and won't use her at all. As Ell46 said, it's a matter of taste.


And as far as no one wanting to be in the military or law enforcement if they knew they could be killed--that's just so not so. I'm speaking as someone who was once married to a decorated Viet Nam vet, and again to a Navy veteran, and who has several family members currently in law enforcement. The military is a FIGHTING force--that's what the job entails and there's always a chance of being killed in action. And as far as police--well, here in the United States, it's not all that uncommon for police to get injured or killed (as in shot) in the line of duty, and there are plenty of men and women who still choose to become law enforcement despite the risk.

Edited by FastBlackCat
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If refuse to sent Alistair to Morrigan, i must choose who to die, i don't want to die and i don't want Alistair to die. I don't want anybody die. i want to live happily ever after as a queen and i don't want Alistair to have a baby with other woman who is my friend...


Not only i was being cheated by Grey Warden, have poison blood in my vein, then the fate of the world is on my shoulder, have to endanger my self in foreign politic struggle, going through all and strive....then have two option, allow my boyfriend to have a baby with my friend or choose who will die...isn't that suck?


I still don't believe the Grey Warden excuse. I also have family members that are in military background. My uncle serve in Congo. My other uncle was British Army Boy of Malaya in WW2 before joining Malay Regiment. None of them encourage their children to become soldiers. Why? Because become a soldier means possibility to die at anytime. They have see death in their time...their friends...my uncle friend was talking about his daughter then get shot.


My late father was working in police department, also the same, he never encourage me, my brother and sister to join the police force. Same reason, you can die get shot at anytime. But if i want to be a police officer or join military then it is my choice with my consent.


So, Grey Warden secrecy about dying is unjustified. If they keep it open there will be people who join Grey Warden order. Sincere people. The same like people who join military and police.


Bad police officers are usually don't want to be police but they have no choice because of economy instability, police open the job and so they join in. When they become a police men they are bad ones. The same will happen to the one who forced to become Grey Warden.


Duncan kill Ser Jory is unjustified.

Edited by Qistina
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If refuse to sent Alistair to Morrigan, i must choose who to die, i don't want to die and i don't want Alistair to die. I don't want anybody die. i want to live happily ever after as a queen and i don't want Alistair to have a baby with other woman who is my friend...




You can use Thandals cheat then you can refuse the DR and live happily ever after with Alistair.

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