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Member ID Numbers - Where Are They?


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I am trying to upload a file and give editing access to another member and I keep getting a big fat error glitch sticking his name there. I read that one needs a member ID number but I cannot for the life of me find the :wallbash: thing.


May I suggest changing this painfully frustrating way and to make it far more user friendly and use members name instead?


Might make life more sweeter here if we can use names that are easierly found rather than numbers that are obsure and hard to find...if one is a noob to giving others access like me and do not know where to look for it.

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Go to his/her profile on any Nexus site and you can see it under Account information. It's like this:


Username: his/her name

Kudos: number of kudos

User ID: the id number you need.







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I am trying to upload a file and give editing access to another member and I keep getting a big fat error glitch sticking his name there. I read that one needs a member ID number but I cannot for the life of me find the :wallbash: thing.


May I suggest changing this painfully frustrating way and to make it far more user friendly and use members name instead?


Might make life more sweeter here if we can use names that are easierly found rather than numbers that are obsure and hard to find...if one is a noob to giving others access like me and do not know where to look for it.


Hover your mouse over the user's name link. You will see the ID there. Yours, for example is 298952.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys, I'd like to reopen this thread. I cannot see the profile numbers anywhere. Not if I hover over someone' name, not on their forum profile page, not on their nexus profile page. Where did they go?


EDIT: I think I found it. It now only appears in the address bar at the top when you go to their profile.

Edited by Jedo_Dre
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