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Sleep Activators Not Working


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I have a couple of weapon patches for AWOP. One for Book of Earache and one for Classic Fallout Weapons.

One of these is stopping sleep activators from working. No matter what time set they move back one place and display a sleep result time of -1.

Any ideas what can cause this?

The patches add weapons to AWOP & vanilla areas mostly but also add NPCs, some general static clutter (nothing that affects navmesh), scripts for 4D Storage and Starter Boxes, new containers, some Repair form lists and a lot of levelled lists (along with a few other little things).

I cannot think of a source for this problem. (I have looked through the relevant changes in FNVEDit).


The only activators used are for new starter-box crates with relevant message boxes (no changes to beds or anything like that).

I have been informed that by turning off the CFW patch this can fix the problem which would suggest that is the source.

On the other hand not a lot has been added by this patch (it's the smallest one by far) and I would have thought the most stable.

The BoE patch on the other hand has had a troubled history. Just long enough after making the original patch and adding loads of new stuff to it I accidentally managed to load it up without AWOP and create and save hundreds of duplicate entries of everything I altered. I then went on to try and replace eveything in GECK by hand and then delete all the DUPLICATE entries in FNVEdit after. People have reported a lot of problems with this mod since (although I thought they were fixed as of the latest version).


Looking at the patches in FNVEdit reveals several red conflicts but they are for things such as shared containers (mostly vendor chests), a placed object or two, and levelled lists (all weapons patches affect a set of AWOP levelled lists purpose made for this task - these show as critical conflicts).

Nothing that looks like it would mess up the sleeping activators.


PROBLEMS WITH AWOP (for easy reference):

Bed activators (see above)


Pulse Gun Prototype (duplicate weapon) affects Veronica's quest in a very bad way (like it is still the original gun).


Ammo in levelled lists not spawning correctly:- The AWOP main file has new levelled lists with 'M' Weapons and thier relevant ammo in them. With the patches running the vanilla ammo dissapears. How is this possible?

Patches are for BoE, CFW, Ahztek's Weapons and CaliberX (most likely culprit).


There are several other bugs but Ithink I know how to fix 'em. These are the ones I am stuggling with.

I definately need help with them.

Any advice that solves this will get full credits and kudos where possible.

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I would do a search in the Geck for the text SetPCSleepHours. In vanilla, there are just three scripts that use with this to force sleep hours to 1 or 3 hours. Not sure how you would get -1 unless there was some other script doing it.


Also check scripts for menumode 1012 (sleep/wait) - might be something there.

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Only one script entry change in the offending file (relating to it's own starter box). It's not the BoE patch causing it either. Another person is having the same problem in another post using the CFW patch so it must be that or the main file.

I have checked the script entries you mentioned in the main file in GECK. About 8 scripts showed up but with no changes I can see and I have not edited/seen those scripts before.


I checked for script changes with the CFW patch but only one shows up in FNVEdit (as it should be) which is for the Starer Box.

Theoretically if I had changed a bed, script or anything else related to this issue it would have to show up in FNVEdit woudn't it? In which case everything appears present and correct.


Also I do not know if it is related or not but my vendor spawn times seem to have gone mental. I was under the impression all vendors respawn every 4 days. In my game Frankie from AWOP does this if not every 2 or 3 days, Doc Mitchell respawns every 7 days and Chet does not respawn at all.

I can't remember if this was how it was my first playthrough (I'm pretty sure not) or if it's related to game difficulty so I thought I'd check. I have given up waiting for most vendors to respawn now and just add stimpaks via console (they're what I'm always waiting for).

Also I had this problem before having the bed problem thinking about it coz I kept sleeping for ages and expecting inventories to be respawned.


One more prob I almost forgot about. The duplicate Pluse Gun (a weaker prototype) I made breaks Veronica's Quest like it is a normal Pulse Gun. I have no idea how. There are no scripts attached to it. When hired Veronica runs off and the companion whell does not work.

I can only think it must be a similar process to the mod kits which also recognise it as the same weapon. Any way to fix this? The only way I can think of involves unpacking meshes and I do not want to do that for a lot of reasons.

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I took a look at CFW, the patch, and ver .6 of your mod and didn't see anything. The thing with Veronica is puzzling too, since the item is a completely different formID - and the game wouldn't see it as a mod of the original. Save game corruption? Have you tried unticking all the mods in question and making a clean save without them, then re-adding them. There may have been some formID changes when you had to fix the duplicate entries. These formIDs are in the save game and if you haven't removed the mod, the same formID could possibly have been moved to a different item or even a formID that was a script in the savegame is now an item, etc.


The save game is like a mod that over-rides all other mods, so a clean save might make the problem go away.

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I have made loads of new games and do most of my testing from a point just before the final conversation with Doc Mitchell in Goodsprings but I can see how the form ids would still be present.

I'll make a save without AWOP & everything that relies on it (for the first time ever), then load it all back up and see what things look like.


Upadate on the Veronica issue:

After loading without AWOP or any AWOP-related mods and loading up a save at 188 Trading Post she still reacts in a similar manner (she just says 'Couldn't get enough of talking to me the first time, huh' dialoge respone instead of a companion wheel). It loos like picking up the gun flags the quest complete somehow and this cannot be undone.

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OK, I started a new game without any AWOP mods present.

I then made a save in Doc Mitchells house just before the 'Hardcore Mode' conversation.

I put all the AWOP mods back on and went out to explore.

The beds still do not work. It looks like I now get 1 hour sleep no matter what time I set which I think is a step up from -1 but I'm not sure what is going on still.

I'm guessing the Veronica quest will still not work. All I can think of is converting another weapon to fire pulse rounds. Very annoying.

I have not bumped into any NPCs armed with 'M' gear yet so I don't know if they have ammo or not yet.


For anyone checking up on other problems:

-Roach will now accept discs from you as long as you have recovered the correct three. You can get an extra dialogue option to offer him the discs at each stage whether ot not you have initiated the quest.

-Faction data fixed for Powder Gangers @ NCRF in the main file only (patches need to be updated individually).

-Faction dta fixed for Old Lady Gibson's guards.


-UPDATE: Pulse Gun Prototype removed forever. No easy way thru the Weapon Reaserch Facility anymore (though I did drop a load more Pulse Grenades about to make up for it).


-UPDATE: Report from another user regarding the bed/sleep bug:

"its also in the BOE patch and the Xcalibr Patch as well as their the only two patches that I picked up. "

Probably something in the CaliberX patch in this case as it's the only common factor. I cannot imagine what that could be though. It adds no scripts at all. Just ammo boxes, ammo and levelled lists. Not even any from list entries. Very strange.

I'll have to look into it tomorrow coz it's too late now.

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Found a few unwanted scripts attached to duplicated NPCs in the CFW Patch. I don't know if these are the source of the problems but I have been removing as many as I can find (not sure if I got 'em all).

Now I know what to look out for I'll avoid duplicating NPCs with scripts from now on (fingers crossed that will solve it). I am yet to update the BoE patch so I cannot confirm this has helped yet.



I removed the Pulse Gun from the game entirely but *she still reacts in the same manner*. Unbelievable. Still just get the 'Couldn't get enough of talking to me the first time, huh' dialogue response. I have never even been able to use Veronica as a companion. A bit depressing.



No clues. No ideas.

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Do you have any other mods that might change the VDialogVeronica quest in any way?


You never got this prompt, even in a new game? No offense, but you look like you've traveled a long way down some bad roads. Where'd you come from?

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Yeah, I get the initial introduction - everything up 'till the hire options (including all the stuff about whether or not you are bothered about her being BOS). Now when hired she just stands in the same place (instead of running off somewhere) but still only has that one dialogue option and no companion wheel.


I'm pretty sure none of my other mods alter NPCs, they are all just extra content apart from Hardened which does not affect NPCs either (I think).


Here's my current load order for what it is worth.






Weapon Mod Expansion.esm





WARZONES - Misanthropy Pure.esm

nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esm











Zombie Apocalypse.esp








Ahzteks Weapon Overhaul.esp

Ahzteks Impact Data (Optional).esp

Ahzteks Muzzle Flashes (Optional).esp

Unique Items & Collectables.esp


Nuka Cola Enhanced.esp

31 New Food Items.esp

WME - WorldofPain.esp

Purge Cell Buffers.esp







nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin.esp

Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

Schmidt Rubin M1911.esp






Total active plugins: 50

Total plugins: 135


(I updated the BOE/Mo. files today so they may be a little out of order)


On an unrelated issue I am getting lots of crashes at the moment. I'm not sure why, I'm sure I have less NPCs now than I had with IWS at Max Spawns with all the extra guard patches running (All 3 guard patches dropped and IWS set to Med Spawns). I get loads of CTDs around Novac and Camp McCarren and fast travel anywhere results in a 60-70% chance of a crash (or just a grinding halt). COC-ing to nearby interiors and then exiting seems to work fine. (?)

My saves may be corrupted again though. Through trimming my load order I left an .esp running without it's master by accident. Dropping that cleared up about half of my crashes. I just do not have the time to keep starting new games every time I change my load order.

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Brilliant - I have an emergency now. :(

I was testing the mod fine with the new BOE & CFW Patch updates so I thought I'd start a new game for several reasons.

Before doing that I decided to delete the Pulse Gun Prototype using FNVEdit to try once again and hire Veronica.

I deleted it from both the esp and esm in case I forgot and saved over it again.

Now my game will not load.

I get no menu or cursor on load up (which I have heard reported before).

I can't see any other mods that rely on the Pulse Gun P and cannot think what else can cause this.

I have checked through the form lists and cannot see any references to the Pulse Gun P and after running a conflict check in FNVEdit I could not see anything that could trigger this.

Any ideas?


EDIT: Panic over (sort of). I remembered a backup of the current version of AWOP I uploaded to radidshare. Still, if anyone knows why that happened it would be nice to know.

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