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Sleep Activators Not Working


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Progress Update:

Tested from a new game.



Still Don't work. I have removed every duplicated script in NPCs (that I can find). I have rolled back to the original BoE patch (even though I had possible reports of the same problems with this) and built the new changes on that. I deleted a lot of red conflicts in FNVEdit from CFW.



Aparrently I can't do anything about this without breaking my game completely (see above). What a mess.



This just gets worse.

Many NPCs do not use thier weapons even though they have the correct ammo and similar weapons from the same mods work fine. This seems completely unpredicatable. NPCs just wander around taking hits witout drawing thier weapon and firing back.

On top of this several guns are not showing up properly in NPCs hands (though they look fine in first person). They can fire the weapon OK but thier hands are empty and the weapon cannot be targetted in VATS. I think these are just new BoE weapons so I may have missed something updating those files but I'm not sure yet.


Basically I am not gonna have time to fix these now, at least not without some great advice.

I have too much other stuff to do and I am completely out of ideas for all of these problems.

I'll upload a final version of AWOP soon and then I'll just update it if and when someone discovers a fix for any of these problems. I'm not gonna be able to do it myself.

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Yeah, I get the initial introduction - everything up 'till the hire options (including all the stuff about whether or not you are bothered about her being BOS). Now when hired she just stands in the same place (instead of running off somewhere) but still only has that one dialogue option and no companion wheel.


I'm pretty sure none of my other mods alter NPCs, they are all just extra content apart from Hardened which does not affect NPCs either (I think).


Mo'Gals.esp is the only one I recognize that changes her NPC record.


(I updated the BOE/Mo. files today so they may be a little out of order)


On an unrelated issue I am getting lots of crashes at the moment. I'm not sure why, I'm sure I have less NPCs now than I had with IWS at Max Spawns with all the extra guard patches running (All 3 guard patches dropped and IWS set to Med Spawns). I get loads of CTDs around Novac and Camp McCarren and fast travel anywhere results in a 60-70% chance of a crash (or just a grinding halt). COC-ing to nearby interiors and then exiting seems to work fine. (?)

My saves may be corrupted again though. Through trimming my load order I left an .esp running without it's master by accident. Dropping that cleared up about half of my crashes. I just do not have the time to keep starting new games every time I change my load order.


I had to edit the script of IWS - I use low spawns. IWS is set to ref-walk 25 cells at a time (If outside). Every time you cross a cell boundary, it scans the cell you just entered plus 25 cells around it, two layers deep. I can only assume that forces the game to load those cells, using more memory. I toned it down to 1 layer of cells (8) and my crashes from it have gone away.

If your game got patched by steam, that can also cause issues as I understand there are a bunch of changes in the main esm. I don't know what yet and I won't be able to check it out for a couple days, being away from my gaming rig. No telling what FormIDs have changed. When I get back home I'm pretty much planning on starting a new game so I don't have to deal with mysterious crashes.

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Brilliant - I have an emergency now. :(

I was testing the mod fine with the new BOE & CFW Patch updates so I thought I'd start a new game for several reasons.

Before doing that I decided to delete the Pulse Gun Prototype using FNVEdit to try once again and hire Veronica.

I deleted it from both the esp and esm in case I forgot and saved over it again.



When you delete an item like that in FNVEdit, you have to fix any other records that might reference it, or you may end up with a record with a < unresolved > field. These can cause the game to fail to load. And if that item is referenced in another patch, you need to fix it there too.

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This just gets worse.

Many NPCs do not use thier weapons even though they have the correct ammo and similar weapons from the same mods work fine. This seems completely unpredicatable. NPCs just wander around taking hits witout drawing thier weapon and firing back.

On top of this several guns are not showing up properly in NPCs hands (though they look fine in first person). They can fire the weapon OK but thier hands are empty and the weapon cannot be targetted in VATS. I think these are just new BoE weapons so I may have missed something updating those files but I'm not sure yet.


This can be caused by a mod doing a ref-walk and adding tokens to npcs to run scripts on them, especially when they are in combat during gamemode. Their inventory gets glitched and they can't equip a weapon, or the weapon goes invisible - this happens when a script is messing with their inventory on cell load. Someone else reported a similar problem. They disabled nVamp - Very Voracious Vermin and claimed the problem went away, though it coincidentally could have been another mod causing it. But i've seen this phenomena several times - both in FO3 and FNV.

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There's a reference to the Pulse Gun in the TunaSCDSWeapUniq formlist (Sortomatic-AWOP).

Looking at version .6 that weapon is also on another 4 ingame formlists, 1 cell and a container.


I've been following this thread and scratching my head along with you. The only 'new' idea I've got may be a red-herring, but may be related to the sleep problem. I think I recall someone saying they have had the sleep problem in a version prior to the latest patches.

I noticed just yesterday that there's a new sleep script function (00001279 0000 ShowSleepWaitMenu), though I can't see any use of it ingame.

I think this was introduced with the DM patch, so it could be evidence that the core sleep functions were changed in some way then.

Though *if* that were the cause, then it would probably be a more widespread problem.

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1 down - Veronica is fixed.

tunaisafish : You reminded me about another Pulse Gun P I completely forgot about for sale in the Underground Market Armory (the cell entry). I just deleted that from the game and manually deleted the formlist entries and now Veronica's hire quest works fine. Surprisingly simple in the end. I could have sworn I only included one but at least it works now. Thanks for that :)

I'm not sure what to make of the new sleep script entries though.


rickerhk :

Thanks for the tip about IWS. Unfortunately I looked through it's scripts and could not see anything like the reference you mentioned.

If you get chance you you point me in the right direction. It looks like there is only one script it can be in but I can't spot anything in there that would alter the worldspace loads.

I don't think the recent update has affected my game negatively - I have been getting crashes for over a week now.


I have only just started to use VVV so if it's at fault with the missing guns I'll just have to put up with it for the time being (unless I start running into hordes of NPCs with invisible guns). If I find out for sure it is at fault I will make a mention of it on the Patches site somewhere. It's a shame though, and very annoying at times.

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In the esp file, not the esm, change In the IWSActiveSpawnSCRIPT - in the esp file you chose for low/med/high/ spawns etc, starting on line 99, change these two lines from:


set NumRefs to GetNumRefs 200 2

set npc to getfirstref 200 2



to this:


set NumRefs to GetNumRefs 200 1

set npc to getfirstref 200 1



This changes the scanning/spawing from 25 cells around the current cell to 8 cells around the current cell.


Then adjust the global variable values IWSASCapRef and IWSASCap. IWSASCapRef is the maximum actor count in the 26 cells, so adjust it down to something you think is reasonable for 9 cells. IWSASCap is the cap on the number of actors of the same faction that can spawn. In the low spawns plugin that I use, I just changed them from 50/8 to 30/8, which is probably a bit high, but the crashes when traversing cell boundaries has gone away for me.

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Thanks for the IWS tip - unfortunately, either because I am not using NVSE for the GECK or beacuse or the recent GECK update my script changes are not saving. I'm guessing it's the first problem. I ran into a similar problem with the new AWOP/BoE patch.

I am told that trying to open AWOP in GECK with NVSE does not work for some reason.


The ammo bug seems to have been fixed. I altered all the affected levelled lists in GECK in the CalibrX patch (most likely source of the problems) and now the spawns seem to work OK.


Just the beds left to go.


Plus one new bug I have encountered and fixed before. (Now fixed but I'd still like to know the problem).

Sometimes altering the Gunrunner's Inventory results in the Vendor-bot spawning with 0 caps and no stock.

I am not entirely sure what causes this coz I thought I had fixed it. The only thing I can think of is I may have accidentally overloaded it somehow.


EDIT: Gunrunner's fixed again :) but no more ammo from the CalibrX patch :(


I cleaned AWOP by removing all indentical to master records to try and fix the bed/sleep issue following some advice but it has not helped.

Should I do this for the patches too?

I am under the impression it will not make any difference.


One other problem with a weapon patch (for 'Ahztek's Weapon Overhaul'):

The master file is an. esp so every time I update the new sounds for the weapons from it and make and save another change the the mod (anything at all) all the sounds revert to defualt (distant) sounds.

What is the easiest way around this?

I thought about maybe including the sounds as a resource but I am not 100% sure this will work either.

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Thanks for the IWS tip - unfortunately, either because I am not using NVSE for the GECK or beacuse or the recent GECK update my script changes are not saving. I'm guessing it's the first problem. I ran into a similar problem with the new AWOP/BoE patch.

I am told that trying to open AWOP in GECK with NVSE does not work for some reason.

You have to use this version of NVSE to open the 1.3 Geck http://nvse.silverlo...se_1_beta10.zip

It's not on the NVSE main site, but a bethesda forum post.


EDIT: Gunrunner's fixed again :) but no more ammo from the CalibrX patch :(


There are some issues with caliber.esm after the NV patch. It needs to be converted to an esp then opened up with the Geck, then saved, to 'shake it out'. Then convert it back to an esm and fix the ammo effects on some of the gun and EW ammo by dragging the fields over from the new FalloutNV.esm in FNVEdit.

Also, load up your AWOPCaliberXAmmoPatch.esp in FNVEdit and 'check for errors'. I got several <unresolved> errors. These can cause crashes. Though I did it after fixing caliber so if you don't see any errors, it's just me.


I cleaned AWOP by removing all identical to master records to try and fix the bed/sleep issue following some advice but it has not helped.

Should I do this for the patches too?

I am under the impression it will not make any difference.

The general consensus AFAIK is that 'Identical to master' records are considered 'dirty' edits unless you meant to have them - like in an esp paired with your esm.


One other problem with a weapon patch (for 'Ahztek's Weapon Overhaul'):

The master file is an. esp so every time I update the new sounds for the weapons from it and make and save another change the the mod (anything at all) all the sounds revert to default (distant) sounds.

What is the easiest way around this?

I thought about maybe including the sounds as a resource but I am not 100% sure this will work either.


It sounds like the Geck is removing it as a master when saving. Flip the master bit on, and leave it on, in the ahztek esp. And leave it as an esp file extension.

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Thanks for the info.

Unfortunately the problem with AWOP not loading with NVSE was reported a few months ago when the GECK and NVSE were working properly together. For this reason I have been putting off installing it (can't risk not being able to edit my mod).

The problem may be fixed or just have been localised to Earache42's (who reported the issue) computer. I just don't wanna take the risk just yet.


I'll look into fixing CalibrX when I get chance but I have got a lot on at the moment. I'll double check for errors too when I get chance.


Thanks for the Ahztek patch info too. I'll try and get that sorted soon.

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