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CM Companions, custom items repair CTD, is there a fix?

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I'm having the issue with CM Companions where it causes a CTD when my companions have custom items equipped. I looked through the various readme files included with CM Companions, and there is no fix illustrated within. I have also googled the topic, but I'm not exactly the worlds best search engine user. So I'm wondering if anyone has figured out or knows of some sort of fix for this issue.



My round-a-bout solution is that I repair all their gear myself, while making them carry the repair hammers. As much fun as this roleplaying opportunity is, it would be nice to be able to tell them to repair it themselves.

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If I recall correctly the getting them to repair is dependent on Shivering Isles or something. I found using your solution (doing their repairs for them) worked best for me too (plus my guy is master in repair so I buff their stuff better than they can).


Edit: It might be the Partners Warp ring I was thinking of ... can't seem to find the exact reference in the readme or FAQs that I recall. Could be me just bouncing off walls again too.

Edited by Striker879
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