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cybernetic implants


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There are a couple bits of Kellogg left over after you kill him and are finished with Valentine. It would be nice to have a mod that allows your player character to have them installed surgically for boosts (say agility or strength for example)

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I have thought about this also, and the only advice I can give is either wait for the official SDK release or official DLC content. From what I can deduct, it would seem Bethesda has spent a lot of time making a more stable engine with a more aesthetically pleasing experience this game. To me, this means they have spent more time (and what I believe to be a more correct approach to game design) to first delivering a stable and adaptable game engine which will facilitate future expansion and versatility more readily then previous titles (Oblivion, Fallout 3). If my speculation is correct, things such as Player mods/augmentation/implants (the OP's Post), ammo variation crafting (hallow point= DMG and AP/+P =armor negating) and quite possibly weapon variants (throwing axes/knives/etc.) features, will be available through official DLC alone. Ideally this would be fact and implemented in the future DLC releases.


On the opposite end of the spectrum: Bethesda has released , to date, the quintessential version of the Fallout universe. Future expansion of Fallout 4's dynamics will be left solely to the modding community, and the SDK (in effort to appease the console community) will be akin to something released with "Hunted: The Demon’s Forge" "SDK/Map editor". This would not be good.


At any rate, time will tell what will/will not be possible but if all else fails, the Bethesda modding community can sure make a Mercedes out of a Jalopy and I would be surprised if something like cybernetic implants where not implemented in the near future-Peace

Edited by se7enraven
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@Kastergir I just checked out that mod and yes it does use the items I am referring to. Not quite what I had in mind though.


I was thinking the pain inhibitor would give you damage reduction and/or HP, the arm actuator would apply strength and endurance, a rebuilt brain implant would increase intelligence and perception - and then go from there like making a leg actuator to give you carry capacity and jump height, lung implants to breath underwater, circulatory implants to filter rads and poison, cybernetic eyes to boost VATS or regular targeting or even nightvision or thermal imaging, endoskeleton to reduce limb and falling damage and so on.


Almost none of these would be visible externally except some minor cosmetics like the eyes or maybe some bio mechanical bits sticking out of the skin...and you'd wear everything else in the game as usual.


Then there's a completely different way to look at cybernetics/bionics to create a full conversion cyborg like one you would find in the RIFTS RPG made by Palladium books.

Example: http://i.imgur.com/pJO7c.jpg

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Cybernetics in the Rifts Role Playing Game can be as unobtrusive as a radio implant in the jaw or eye augments, up to and including full conversion like that pic I linked in my last post (only thing left of the original human would be some of the brain). But the beauty of that system is you can have cybernetic augmentation from one end of the spectrum to the other. Minimal everyday type augments to maximum war time style. So appearance wise you could be heavily augmented internally yet show no visible sign, or if you go all the way you'd end up looking like sentient power armor :)

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Your characters "starting budget", accumulated money/credits and available tech dictates what you can get for bionics/cybernetics in Rifts, but that would even make sense in the Fallout universe. We have the BOS, the Institute, and to tap other sources like the Fallout 3 DLC Old World Blues, or even the aliens in the Fallout universe, I'm sure it would be possible to create a boinics/cybernetics system for FO4 that stays lore friendly...


Edit: I am actually surprised no one has really done cyberpunk properly in the Fallout universe before - it kind of makes sense in that universe.

Edited by PhasedTM
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