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Anvil Chapel Disappeared?!


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Interesting. This same thing happened to someone else but in that case it was a different temple. What mods have you downloaded and installed recently?I know you have disabled them but I am wondering if a recently uploaded mod causes this unintentionally since two people in a few days experienced this odd occurance with a temple. Here is the other thread: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/371527-missing-buildings/


You can try the advice in that thread and see if it helps for you.

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There are a couple of things that can cause this to happen and deactivating mods may not help you. So, what mods are you currently running? What mods have you recently uninstalled, if any?


One more question....can you run into the chapel? By that I mean is there collision? Are you stopped in your tracks by this invisible Chapel or do you just run right through the space where it should be?


The answer to the above questions should tell us a lot about what is happening.

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No, there is no collision, other than the doors, the mods i use are Natural Habitat, Natural Vegetation, Natural Water and Natural Weather HDR by Max Tael, and the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. I also run OBSE and have Oblivion updated to 1.2.0416. Its weird cause this is the first time ive been in Anvil.
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No, there is no collision, other than the doors, the mods i use are Natural Habitat, Natural Vegetation, Natural Water and Natural Weather HDR by Max Tael, and the Unofficial Oblivion Patch. I also run OBSE and have Oblivion updated to 1.2.0416. Its weird cause this is the first time ive been in Anvil.


If those are the ONLY mods that you have then I can't imagine at this point what would be causing your issue. It sounds like a mod has deleted the building. If that were the case though, deactivating your mods should fix the problem. Only other thing I can think of that would do this is if you deactivated the building yourself through a console command on accident...though I can't imagine how you could accomplish that without noticing.


Try starting a new game with no mods active and go to anvil. If the Chapel is there add some more mods in and see if it goes away. Do this until you find out which, if any, of your mods are causing it to disappear. Should be easy enough since you don't have many mods.


If it is none of them then there may be something else wrong with the game itself, I don't know. Maybe the advice from that other thread about reinstalling is best.

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This has happened to me with what seemed like a whole fifth of Chorrol. Basically all the buildings across from the chapel disappeared except for teh doors. The walls around the town in that section were gone too. This phenomena has happened twice to me before. The only mods we have in common when this happened to me are UOP and OBSE.


I reloaded a previous save and the buildings came back. Not sure what caused it. Maybe reloading/overwriting quicksaves cause it? I was also having game stability issues back then so it's hard for me to say.

Edited by bruisedooze
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