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how to make a door in the geck


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Hold the Z key and drag up or down with the mouse. As for position slightly above floor level is actually better but not so high you will notice a drop to floor. Reason is sometimes on a slow machine and a busy cell you or a companion could glitch into the floor for a moment 2-5 units is enough to prevent it on really slow computers.



Also add a center of cell(COC) marker and a north marker. I always put my COC next to the main entry door marker, and the north marker helps if someone says there's an issue they can say on the north or west side of the room making it easier for you to find it.

Edited by jet4571
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Mind if I dust this off for a 'door script' question. I need a door that is timed (that only opens at night) and only works in one direction! I've fumbled my way through building and connecting doors so far but I need more and messing about just unravels what I've gotten so far.


As a terminal dyslexic the whole scripting thing has a fairly low probability of success for me, so does anyone know of any vanilla resources I could steal to achieve this? Any examples of anything similar I could copy/paste, I know the Mojave like the back of my hand but I'm not recalling a 'clock-timed' teleport/door.

Edited by SayinNuthin
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Mind if I dust this off for a 'door script' question. I need a door that is timed (that only opens at night) and only works in one direction! I've fumbled my way through building and connecting doors so far but I need more and messing about just unravels what I've gotten so far.


As a terminal dyslexic the whole scripting thing has a fairly low probability of success for me, so does anyone know of any vanilla resources I could steal to achieve this? Any examples of anything similar I could copy/paste, I know the Mojave like the back of my hand but I'm not recalling a 'clock-timed' teleport/door.


You're going to need a copy of the door on both ends, since you need to attach scripts to their base forms. Duplicate the doors in the object window, place them where you need them to be (or replace if you already placed vanilla versions) and connect them. For the 'outside' door, the one that you want to be timed, attach this script to the base form:

ScriptName DoorTimedScript
float fTime

Begin GameMode
    Set fTime to GetCurrentTime
    If fTime >= 0 && fTime <= 6 && GetDestroyed != 1
        SetDestroyed 0
    ElseIf fTime > 6 && GetDestroyed
        SetDestroyed 1

This should make the door accessible only between midnight and 6 AM.


Now attach this script to the other doors base form:

ScriptName DoorDestroyOnLoadScript

Begin OnLoad
    SetDestroyed 1

This will make it inaccessible as soon as the doors 3D model loads, preventing you from going back once you've entered.

Edited by Ladez
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Mind if I dust this off for a 'door script' question. I need a door that is timed (that only opens at night) and only works in one direction! I've fumbled my way through building and connecting doors so far but I need more and messing about just unravels what I've gotten so far.


As a terminal dyslexic the whole scripting thing has a fairly low probability of success for me, so does anyone know of any vanilla resources I could steal to achieve this? Any examples of anything similar I could copy/paste, I know the Mojave like the back of my hand but I'm not recalling a 'clock-timed' teleport/door.


You're going to need a copy of the door on both ends, since you need to attach scripts to their base forms. Duplicate the doors in the object window, place them where you need them to be (or replace if you already placed vanilla versions) and connect them. For the 'outside' door, the one that you want to be timed, attach this script to the base form:

ScriptName DoorTimedScript
float fTime

Begin GameMode
    Set fTime to GetCurrentTime
    If fTime >= 0 && fTime <= 6 && GetDestroyed != 1
        SetDestroyed 0
    ElseIf fTime > 6 && GetDestroyed
        SetDestroyed 1

This should make the door accessible only between midnight and 6 AM.


Now attach this script to the other doors base form:

ScriptName DoorDestroyOnLoadScript

Begin OnLoad
    SetDestroyed 1

This will make it inaccessible as soon as the doors 3D model loads, preventing you from going back once you've entered.



Outstanding! Thank you, just as soon as I'm done wrangling dead Alices over at the Umbrella Compound I'll see if I can't get that running. Is this a 24 hour clock though? 18 being 6 at night... And what time does the sun go down anyway

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Outstanding! Thank you, just as soon as I'm done wrangling dead Alices over at the Umbrella Compound I'll see if I can't get that running. Is this a 24 hour clock though? 18 being 6 at night... And what time does the sun go down anyway


GetCurrentTime returns the time in a decimal 24-hour format, so 3.5 = 3:30 AM, 11.75 = 11:45 AM and 18 = 6:00 PM. The sun rises from 6 AM to 8 AM and sets from 6 PM to 8 PM (assuming there's no mods changing this.)

Edited by Ladez
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