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Dark Face Bug & Red Face Bug (Ctrl+F4, Gens, etc not working)


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Alright, so I know this issue has been addressed multiple times over and I've been searching for a fix for the past two hours with none of the usual fixes working for me (before you ask - everything is up to date). I'm working on a standalone follower with custom hair, skin, armor, voice, etc. and have been meticulously going over each step I've taken with a fine toothed comb and backtracked to figure out where I went wrong, but can't seem to find it. I figured some fresh eyes might spot my mistake, so that's why I'm posting here. Please bear with me - I've been at this for a few days now. :wacko:


NOTE: I have all mods that change the player/NPC appearance disabled except for the ones that immediately affect my NPC (with the exception of RealVision ENB).




KS Hairdos

Natural Eyes

SG Female Textures


*I had ECE disabled when I exported my NPC's face and has since been disabled.



First, I got the red face bug without the dark face. When I fixed the red face, the dark face happened. The red face is apparently common when using custom facial textures, and I fixed it by deleting the tintmasks folder in character assets > ctrl+f4ing the face in the CK > then returning the folder. I loaded up SKSE - no red face, just a gray face. I undid the red face fix, but still have the dark face.


I've checked and rechecked the FaceGenData/FaceGeom folders and even poked around in nifskope to double check my NPC's head texture locations.


So, a breakdown:

> Exporting the face isn't working.

> Rearranging the texture locations in the FGD/FG isn't working.

> Everything is correct in Nifskope as far as I know.


I'd also like to ask the community for an "example" of the folder hierarchy for custom NPCs when exporting a custom face - like the CK Wiki does.


For example, my NPC's face mesh is here

\Meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Treju Follower.esp

and it points to

\Textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Treju Follower.esp

as the texture for it. The guides I'm using say this path is correct, but it doesn't look right to me. However, there isn't a FG folder within the FGD folder, so what I do I know :confused: .


Eh, I'm sorry if I'm talking in circles - it's late and I've been at this for longer than considered healthy. I appreciate all tips and help, though!


Here's a screenshot of my (incomplete) NPC thus far in case this particular instance of gray face makes a difference.



EDIT:: Now I'm seeing the dark face within the CK itself (WTF)



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Before opening the CK, disable any mods that alter the faces of NPCs. For example whenever I am going the add a new NPC to my mod, before opening the CK, I disable Better Females by Bella. I don't remove the mod just deactivate it in NMM. After I am done and want to play again I just recheck the mods in the plugin list.

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