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making elves look nordic(human)


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Hi everybody


im basicly wanting to know if there is a way to make elves look more human for player as i dont like the look of elves but i want the abuse you get as say a dark elf but i suck at face sculpture anyone have a way to make the elf look nordic?

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What I do is use one of the presets I"ve saved in RaceMenu from another race. I usually play Nords so when I play an elf, I just load one of those presets and use the sliders to tweak it. Also, I use True Eyes for Elves for more human eyes.


If you really do have trouble with the sliders getting the look you want, you can also try Race Morpher. Just be sure to only activate the one esp you want (such as the Nord morph) and disregard the others. This will be your easiest option. And remember to get rid of it when you decide to play a different character.

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What I do is use one of the presets I"ve saved in RaceMenu from another race. I usually play Nords so when I play an elf, I just load one of those presets and use the sliders to tweak it. Also, I use True Eyes for Elves for more human eyes.


If you really do have trouble with the sliders getting the look you want, you can also try Race Morpher. Just be sure to only activate the one esp you want (such as the Nord morph) and disregard the others. This will be your easiest option. And remember to get rid of it when you decide to play a different character.



iv got race morph but seems to cause ctd for me but will retry

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