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making elves look nordic(human)


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  • 2 months later...

So easy to get elf proportions closer to humans through Ethereal Elven Overhaul, all you have to do is get the right accompanying mods like eye mods and the right skin texture mod. Just remember to get EEO's DLC and USLEEP patches. Mods like The Eyes of Beauty has white scelera options.

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  • 1 year later...

Get me a picture of a whoever you want your character to look like and I'll make it for you.


I know you posted this almost a year ago but i was wondering if i could still take you up on that offer? if its possible to do with only Enhanced Character Edit and as a Woodelf with what i guess you could call Nord-like characteristics. Such as if he parents were Bosmer and Nord. Moslty the round face like the picture.


I had made this originally using the Ningheim race but i really want her face for SSE but it seems that the Ningheim Race mod (installed via nexus mod manager's "add mod from file") is incompatible seeing as it is from the original skyrim. If all else fails maybe she can be recreated as a Nord?

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