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Need Help Making a New Race! (First time)


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So, I want to delve into the world of custom race mods, and want to learn how to make one.


Well, not learn to make one per se, but I need to know how to make the textures. Also, knowing how to make horns and protrusions out of the head would help too.




PS: Does AutoDESK Inventor help at all? I am certified in that.


EDIT: Ok, I've been messing with my custom race for a bit. I got the textures done, a working horn, made some nice lore about them with racial powers, modded the stats, and need only two things fixed and I might release them:


First off, the racial spells after a while get removed from the spell list. Why? I dragged them into the start spells for the race, and added them to pc startup.


Second, I am in desperate need of help moddifying the horsetail.nif to work on humanoids. I have NO clue how to do that. Or a tutorial how to would work wonders.

Edited by Barlas
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For retexturing: http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/index.php/GIMP:Retexturing_Oblivion

You will probably want to retexture an existing body to make a custom race, so the CS Wiki link should help. You will need something like GIMP to edit the textures. Horns and such require modeling, but you could probably find a modder's resources or use another mods horns.

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If anyone cares to help, how do you merge a horn mesh onto a head mesh? I got the horn mesh from /creature/horse and am wondering what to do now.



To make things short, don't. "Merging" anything to the head meshes will make their FaceGen properties (reshaping in CharGen and facial animations) get damaged and no longer work (unless you consider an exploding bunch of triangle faces "working"). There was a cause for these appandages to be implemented as hair styles for the Argonians. I'd suggest taking a look at one of the horns or fins for the Argonian race, or the Dremora/Xivilai, or any custom race with horns for that matter, and trying to reproduce this. It's somewhat similar to how helmets are done and not that difficult at all. Using Scanti's famous Conformulator you should even be able to make it realign to your head mesh no matter how much you or others deform it in CharGen.

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OK, found a horn, got it to work as I wanted, made some custom eyes that are all a single color due to thats the design, added sks ren hair, made it look nice...........


Only thing that's bugging me is the tail. I put a wolf tail, it aint that nice looking. I would love to find a horse-esc tail.

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