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Question regarding matching the left panel with the right panel aka loot with mod organizer


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Ok from my understanding its a good rule of thumb to match the right pane with the left pane after you sorted with loot, however im running into an issue for example expanded towns and cities has multiple plug ins as well as the patches, and the order is all over the place what should I do to match the left panel for this? I have some other mods like this as well.


Thank you.

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Right pane of MO is the plugin load order. Sort that by LOOT. Make any specific tweaks to the order based on mod author recommendations. Load Wrye Bash through MO and check the color scheme of the plugins, adjust as needed so that they are all blue/green.


Left pane does not need to match with the right pane. The left pane simulates a manual installation order. It is used to ensure that the loose files of mods are given the correct order of priority.


Your "rule of thumb" is reversed. You don't change the right to match the left. You can change the left to match the right but is not required. If there is no lighting bolt icon with a green plus or red minus then it doesn't matter where that mod is on the left list.

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Right pane of MO is the plugin load order. Sort that by LOOT. Make any specific tweaks to the order based on mod author recommendations. Load Wrye Bash through MO and check the color scheme of the plugins, adjust as needed so that they are all blue/green.


Left pane does not need to match with the right pane. The left pane simulates a manual installation order. It is used to ensure that the loose files of mods are given the correct order of priority.


Your "rule of thumb" is reversed. You don't change the right to match the left. You can change the left to match the right but is not required. If there is no lighting bolt icon with a green plus or red minus then it doesn't matter where that mod is on the left list.

Well it was not my rule of thumb but many others have put it in posts, now I do believe you but since the left is resources wouldnt it kind of matter in a sense that it helps the game load smoother and run better? And your comment is kind of confusing because im pretty sure there are many that have the light bolt with the green plus is suppose to be overwriting many mods, are you saying im not suppose to have those at all?

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Think of it this way...


Left list is a representation of what would be in your data folder if you physically copied the files to your data folder. When one mod has the icon with a green plus this means it is overwriting a file in another mod. You have to decide which mod gets the priority. Sometimes you will want one mod as a whole to have priority, other times you'll just want an individual file or two. Keep in mind that not every mod overwrites another and so won't have the icon.


Right list is merely your plugin list and its order can be independent of the left list. Just like they would be if you had manually installed the mods to the data folder yourself and then sorted the plugins with LOOT.


My method is probably dependent upon not having MO manage archives which I described how to turn off in the other thread that you've been posting in. I don't let MO manage the archives because that screws with intended mod behavior. Its not how Bethesda designed the mod process to be. And not using MO's management has cut down on the number of issues that mod authors cannot reproduce.


Left list position of assets does not make the game run any smoother or better.

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Think of it this way...


Left list is a representation of what would be in your data folder if you physically copied the files to your data folder. When one mod has the icon with a green plus this means it is overwriting a file in another mod. You have to decide which mod gets the priority. Sometimes you will want one mod as a whole to have priority, other times you'll just want an individual file or two. Keep in mind that not every mod overwrites another and so won't have the icon.


Right list is merely your plugin list and its order can be independent of the left list. Just like they would be if you had manually installed the mods to the data folder yourself and then sorted the plugins with LOOT.


My method is probably dependent upon not having MO manage archives which I described how to turn off in the other thread that you've been posting in. I don't let MO manage the archives because that screws with intended mod behavior. Its not how Bethesda designed the mod process to be. And not using MO's management has cut down on the number of issues that mod authors cannot reproduce.


Left list position of assets does not make the game run any smoother or better.


Ok so for example an armor mod and creature mod can overwrite each other as it wont matter correct? But now lets say I have I have 2 texture mods how does one decide on something like that?

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Why would you think that an armor mod and a creature mod would overwrite each other? If none of the files conflict, there is no overwriting going on...


As far as any mod that does have conflicting files with any other mod, it comes down to YOUR tastes and what you want in your game. That said, there are some mods which require other mods to be installed first (or above them in the left list of MO), usually in a case like this the mod author has given instructions on exact order.


Since MO works with mods slightly differently than NMM or manual installation, keep the following in mind: When a mod author says to INSTALL their files in a certain order, that is your left list. When a mod author says to arrange plugins in a specific LOAD ORDER, that is your right list.

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  • 8 months later...
Hmmm. Ok so "some" of my mods have instructions while many do not. Some will overwrite and it's hard to tell whether it causes a problem or not. I used papyrus utility and it shows mods loading and saving but no reason for a crash. My most recent trouble is the riverside lodge mod. I have 2 standalones living there and I usually don't have a problem until I try to get inside the house
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  • 2 weeks later...

Why would you think that an armor mod and a creature mod would overwrite each other? If none of the files conflict, there is no overwriting going on...



Is mod creation for Skyrim significantly different than Fallout 3 & NV? My understanding is that mod creation of Skyrim and FO is created and done very similarly.


I have to say in my experience, yes, mods that are seemingly unrelated can have conflicts and overwrites. In FO3 & NV, there are many mods that seem to have random no-purpose entries that are completely unrelated to the mod's purpose. Example, I have UI mods and weapon mods, and each one of them pointed to a world space, or some NPC, or consumable, nothing changed from vanilla properties. I find this throughout a lot of mods, at least in FO games.


PS: I found this post while looking up an error I was having. Not trying to troll.

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Why would you think that an armor mod and a creature mod would overwrite each other? If none of the files conflict, there is no overwriting going on...



Is mod creation for Skyrim significantly different than Fallout 3 & NV? My understanding is that mod creation of Skyrim and FO is created and done very similarly.


I have to say in my experience, yes, mods that are seemingly unrelated can have conflicts and overwrites. In FO3 & NV, there are many mods that seem to have random no-purpose entries that are completely unrelated to the mod's purpose. Example, I have UI mods and weapon mods, and each one of them pointed to a world space, or some NPC, or consumable, nothing changed from vanilla properties. I find this throughout a lot of mods, at least in FO games.


PS: I found this post while looking up an error I was having. Not trying to troll.



Those are called Wild Edits, and should be cleaned out with TES5Edit.


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@ IIGeminiEngineII

There is a difference between files in the original poster's case and records in your case.



Creature mod A - edits a stock armor record and assigns a mesh/texture pair

Armor mod B - edits the same stock armor record and assigns a different mesh/texture pair


Neither one points to the same files. There is no conflict in files and they can be installed in any order.

They both edit the same record. There is conflict in record and one ESP has to be given priority over the other ESP.

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