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Break a weapon down into its 'mod' parts.


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A Hunting Rifle is four parts - stock, receiver, barrel and magazine. 10mm Pistol, Combat Shotgun, Submachine Gun - same story.


So why, when we break down weapons, do we get stuff like screws or wood? Should we not get four or five mods in our inventory that make up the weapon parts?


I wish to request a mod that makes this possible. I want to be able to retrieve improvement mods off weapons I find without having to rebuild its most basic parts.

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+1. This is such a brilliant idea!

Update: I'm having second thoughts. Weapons don't come in modular components. A complete rookie wouldn't know that a hunting rifle is made up of a stock, reciever, sight and a muzzle. If he chooses to disassemble it, he is going to rip it apart indiscriminately.


Maybe, we could add a new rank to the scrapper perk that lets you break down to "mod" components instead.

Edited by dagincourt88
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  • 4 months later...

Good, this has been requested already. My idea: you have an "advanced workbench", which allows you to a) disassemble a weapon/armor into it's mods and b) re-assemble loose mods back into a weapon/armor. Same for armors. Also make the workbench dependant on some scrapper perk level and blacksmith or weaponsmith perk.


Replacing "scrap" is only an option if you also add the option to scrap mods afterwards (is there a mod which does that, BTW?). I usually scrap enemy weapons for parts, and only rarely want their mods. If no new workbench, maybe a new option called "disassemble"? Not sure if that's even possible.

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Or, why not have it break down into the mod components like the receiver and everything and have an unusable weapon frame that yields the usual scrap, have have the mods scrapped separately? It'd be pretty useful for someone who just wants the scope off a crappy rifle rather than the entire thing, or just the receiver, stock, magazine, etc.

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For that, too, a way to scrap mods would be needed. Suggestion: "disassemble" replaces "scrap" in the regular workbenches, and then you get a new "Scrap Workbench", which sole purpose is to scrap mods, and maybe other things, too.

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