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This movie is tits. Fantastic post apocalyptic romp with bad-ass action, an incredible atmosphere, and just the most gorgeous ascetic you can imagine. Where Fallout is like the 50's apocalypse, Turbo Kid is more like the 80's apocalypse. s#*! just wound up on Netflix so if you haven't, hit that s#*! up. But enough of that, I would kill for a Turbo Kid mod. Having the Turbo Glove sounds incredible, but hard. Understandable if you don't feel like it. But, his helmet? s#*! son that could be just a re-texture of the batting helmet. Here's the trailer, just try and tell me this aint the Jam.



Don't feel like making this for some randy? Understandable. But if you know how to mod s#*! up, I would ask you to check out this movie because I gurenteee you will fall in love so goddamn fast, that you'll wake up with 12 goddamn Skeletron mods before you know which way is up. Also, I know there are some problems with making mods based on existing IP's but if you'll make it I'm sure I could get in contact with the director and get some executive permission, if you think you'd need it.

Live free Turbo Riders.



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