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Animation Question


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Sorry if this question is posted somewhere (to lazy to go through 900+ discussions... a personal flaw i know xD)... if so just point me to it and i'll be on my merry... but anyways...


The Problem:

I'm werkin on a walk animation... everything looks great... till i try to make the walkleft/right .kf... if i switch the X & Y IPO curve i can get it moving in the right direction but it faces forward... so i figure rotate the Bip01 to the right direction and set the key frames.... now takes a very tiny (like i mean tiny) step in the direction and moves forward... sigh... the next logical step (wild stab in the dark) is to switch the IPO curves back... and it's back to walkin the the right direction but facing forward again T_T


The Question(s):

WTF am i doing wrong?

How do i get it to face left/right and move that that way?





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I have never understood if and how one can use Blender's IPO curve to cure the import/export problems. The old fashioned way is:


- in Blender walkright animations move backward, walkleft move forward


- after export you have to fix the wrong facing direction with NifSkope (like with almost all animations). See my Wiki article in the signature -> "Fix the 90° Problem"



Edit: Hey Striker, you outpaced me again :)

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I am 'quick to the click'. You deserve the credit though, I just link to the answers you've researched and provided. :thumbsup:
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Hey thanks guys... I'll look into it and see if it helps


Edit: Awesome that werked!!! I used the LPO Curve to change the direction of the movement (since i'm still learning and imported and tweaked a modded walk)

Edited by Andricaus
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