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Races Disappearing from List after deleting NPCS - Geck Problem


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Hello everyone~



I'm currently editing a mod (Cybernetic Dawn), trying to remove some of its features and preserving others. It may be unethical but i dont plan releasing it at all ; its more of a learning session for me.


I hate all the NPC's that it adds, all of those overpowered robots and equipment breaking the game.


However i love the terminator races, so i'm trying to remove everything and keep only the races for me.


I went to GECK and checked all of the hunter-killers and other npcs that are around the wastes, checked their use-list and deleted all of them from their respective places.


While the npcs still exist, they're not being used anymore.


For some reason, after that, ALL of the features from the mod stop working in-game.


The npcs that i didnt deleted, disappeared ; the races from the list, disappeared ; all of the equipment the mod adds, disappeared too.




What did i do wrong? I actually did this twice, having the same results.



Does anyone have any idea of whats going on?


If so, please help.


THanks in advance,






I noticed that whenever i change ANYTHING in the mod, absolutely ANYTHING, the mod simply stops working as if it was corrupted. Although the file remains the same (even with the same filesize), Fallout 3 seems just to ignore it.


Apparently i cant change anything in the mod or Fallout will ignore all of its contents.

Edited by LeonTheKing
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