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Lord of the Rings mod

The Dark Brother

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This game would be perfect for a Middle Earth type mod. Has anyone done that?

Also, I want the Sword of Power from the original He-Man show of the 80's in the game!!!

You might want a better discription. Are you making it or are you asking someone to make it for you for one?

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I think he's asking someone else to do it, but he does need to be more specific.


What kind of Middle Earth type mod? A total conversion? A partial conversion?

What Age? First? Second? Third? Fourth? Before-Time?

How will you evade copyright laws?

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There was also 'Adventure Middle-Earth' for oblivion made by the same team as the version for Morrowind. It was halted due to the technical limitations of the Oblivion engine, which is inferior to Morrowinds if you want to make a total conversion with a new landmass as Oblivion can only support 20 quads compared to Morrowinds unlimited number of cells.


So no, its not really possible to make an accurate large scale Lord of the rings mod, either because of technical limitations as those encountered by AME or due to the vast workload which only a large team of insane people would embark upon.


Of course if its weapons you want, theres a few on TESSource somewhere.

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As said by the others, there is no mod with a total ME-conversion of Oblivion. And as said by Avego, it probably isn't possible with oblivion's engine to create one, either.


Still, if you do want some LOTR stuf in Oblivion, there are some mods I could recommend:


The Helm's deep mod, good mod but only ads buildings in existing Tamriel



Ringwraith mod:



And one of my favorites: Uruk race, armor & weapons:



I believe someone is working on a minas tirith mod, too.


Well, these mods are just a small piece of ME, but still, it is as close as you can get at this moment.





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  • 3 months later...
Man why is it that no one has even atempted to make a Uruk-hai helmet form Lotr? They've made race and other armor pieces as well as weapons but no helm is anyone willing to answer my question?
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Although I haven't been playing PC games long enough to have ever used a total conversion, imo they are really not going to exist soon due to how large and complex games are getting, so I wouldn't hold your breathe.... the true total conversion of oblivion is simply the community as a whole and the sheer number of mods it produces.
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