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Oblivion: New Midas Magic for Companions mod difficulties.


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Greetings everyone of the Nexus Forums!


I am working on a companion mod for Oblivion and hopefully with Xilver's permission when he sees my request will be able to encorporate Midas Magic spells with the companions much like Krisis1451 did years ago, but I am having difficulties with the spells when I in use by the companions. When I tried to create a plug in using MidasSpells as a supporting plug in my companions would cast spells that had no textures, or rather were "invisible" instead of the yellow exclamation mark usually seen when an object has no textures. I noticed Midas Magic's effects also werent active when the invisible spells landed, I tried combining loaded plug ins and that still didnt work. Any thoughts or advice would be awesome, thanks all who have read this for your time!




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What form of mod deisolation did you use? The only two ways I know of to use an ESP as a master is Wrye Bash or Construction Set Extender.

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I was only using the regular construction set while running oblivion script extender. What I have been doing is running my companions mod as the Active plug in and Midas Magic as a supporting plug in, when that did not work I merged the two plug ins together with the feature under Files/Tools called "Combine Loaded Plug ins" in the hope that would work. So far neither has, perhaps I should look into Wrye Bash? I have no experience with using that program, but I will learn if it means making this mod work.

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Yes, you see the problem is you can't use an ESP file as a master (ESM) using the vanilla Construction Set. Construction Set Extender is the modern way of getting around that problem, but you can also use Wrye Bash to work around the problem.


The way that WB works around the problem is it includes a utility to "ESMify" your source mod's ESP (in your example the Midas ESP). You then make your mod with both Oblivion.esm and your ESMified Midas file active. After you are done creating your mod you "reESPify" the Midas file.


An alternative way is to create new resources (formIDs) for all of the Midas assets you want to use in your mod. Should in theory work, but I have no experience with magic effects, shaders etc.


Download Wrye Bash and extract the download to a folder. You'll see two readme files in the Mopy\Docs folder (Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html ... see the Esmify/Espify Self section of the Mods Tab section's Context Menus Commands table in the Advanced Readme).

Edited by Striker879
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