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Can't rename my horse


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I've always been able to rename my horse by opening the console, clicking the horse and type "setactorfullname name" but suddenly that command doesn't work anymore. I get an error message saying script doesn't exist. So what is wrong here?
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  • 8 months later...

It's simple; open the console, click your horse to select it (this is easier to do in first-person, otherwise you might end up selecting your character), and after making sure "Horse" is displayed at the top of the screen, type in:

setactorfullname "horsename"

Replace horsename with the name that you want, and viola, your horse has a new name.


And yes, setactorfullname is correct. SET <actor> <targetstring> makes more sense than SET <first half of target string> <actor> <second half of target string>.

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