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Symmetrical Outfits


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I'm fairly OCD about outfits and hairstyles being symmetrical. I'm good on hairstyles, but I'm always on the lookout for new outfits for my girls. I see so many beautiful outfits here, but so few of them are symmetrical in both shape and color. Anybody have any suggestions?
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I don't know what you mean by symmetrical, but the Apachii Goddess Store offers a wide selection of clothing for female characters. Look around for a bit and you'll find a few others too. I can't recall the other stuff I have, but if the Goddess Store doesn't keep you covered then I don't know how to help you.
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That is the best! If it doesn't help you then I do not think there is anything close to what you are looking for out there. You may want to search the clothes section in tesnexus.com maybe a less known mod has some.
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By 'symmetrical', I mean that the left and right sides of the outfit should be the same. I already have the Goddess Store, the Chapel Shop, the Heroes Store, Vvardenfell Imports, the Hiyoko Store, and Romuska Fantasy Store, as well as both of A-Type2's Shiki armor sets. I was looking for a few outfits, not armors, suitable for a mage or thief character.

Thanks for the replies, though!

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Ahh, I can't help you much for mage/thief clothing I don't think. I have a few things I use but it's mostly all armor. Not really clothing. I can check my mods later and get back to you though if I find anything I think you might be interested in. I haven't been playing too much lately though.
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Just a few thoughts...


Truly symmetrical outfits are unusual in real life because both TASKS and PEOPLE are asymmetrical. Tasks such as wielding a sword are a right (or left) handed task - even a two-hander is used with one hand above the other on the hilt. People are either right or left handed and as such any activity involving a clothing fastening will tend to be asymmetrical too - even the modern zip is asymmetric. A tied bow, for instance, can't be truly symmetrical as the shape depends on one cord or ribbon overlaying another. Armour tends to be asymmetric as the two sides tend to do different jobs - one biased more for attack, one more for defence. Archery is a "handed" activity too - the arrow has to sit one of the other side of the bow, and in all but the most basic bows this is refelcted in their chape and thus forces a "handedness" - I've tried to shoot a left-hand bow righthanded and it's worse than using "wrong-handed" scissors.


You mention a mage or thief character. A mage would possibly be amidextrous, but the moment you add a staff you "hand" your character, and most casting animations are handed too. Also a lot of symbols which might be embroidered would be handed - and the reverse of a symbol might be considered to invoke the opposite of the desired effect.


A thief will almost certainly be handed - he'd require lockpicks stored on one side rather than the other for ease of access, so pockets would tend to be distributed for convenience of use, not some aesthetic sense of what is "right".


Having said all that, robes and some styles of ladies dresses are likely places where near-symmetry can be achieved. Anything with a single row of buttons will be asymmetric, but twin rows can be symmetrical. Look at waistcoats for men, and corcet-style tops for women.


However, I suspect for what you are looking for, you're going to need to learn to make your own meshes and textures at some point. Alternatively, does it help to give the character a back-story which explains WHY they have to be asymmetric? That might satisfy the "need for order" part of the OCD as a substitute for the "need for symmetry".

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Wow! Thanks for the lengthy and useful reply. I realize that bows and fasteners will be slightly asymmetric, and that's fine. What bothers me is outfits with one pauldron, one kneeguard, etc., or one side black and one side white. As far as combat goes, the character being in an asymmetrical pose doesn't bother me.

Another (unrelated) point about combat: as a fencer, I would want my 'attacking' side to be *more* heavily armored than my other side, because I'm intentionally sticking that arm out toward my enemy. If my opponent stabs me in the wrist, now I'm not only injured and losing blood, but I can no longer hold my sword very well. (The elbow works nearly as well for the same purpose. I've been hit hard in both areas.)

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My suggestion, Amazon Armor. There are several styles, goddess, opale, nightmare, green gold, ect... They are symmetrical and still some of the lovelies armor out there.


Another mod that is old but still excellent is the BAB clothing mod. It has casual dresses and robes, fancy dresses and robes, royal dresses and robes, more armor than you know what to do with, and a good selection of mix and match outfits, leggings and underwear. I know there was a UFF conversion of all the clothing at one point. ALL of the clothing in that mod that I can think of meets your request.


My suggestion is that you just start looking. do a search for armor, search by most endorsements and search by descending. Check out the screen shots and decide from there.

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Well if your going for a Thief/Mage outfit, you could try Ranger Armor. It would work just as well for a Thief as it would for a Ranger, i suppose. Take a look at some "Ranger Armor" in the Armor section on tesnexus.com, there's a few worth looking at. It's mostly light armor, which can be used as clothing as well. Edited by Lazilot
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The reason for the lopsided pauldron is because of the direction of an attacker's incoming sword swing - if he is right-handed the attack will come from your left towards your right. Often the "defence side" pauldron is enlarged and even spiked to snag or deflect the sword blow away from the vulnerable neck. However, the same enlarged pauldron on the sword arm side would restrict movement of the arm enough to make it very hard to actually wield the sword. A fencer leads with his weapon, but a sword-and shield mane leads with his shield EXCEPT when he switches to attack - watch a couple of re-enactors trading blows and you'll see them swap leading sides as they change from attack to defence. The asymmetry was often exaggerated in arena armour as the pauldron and arm armour WAS most of the defence in some outfits. Of course, sometimes the asymmetry is taken to ridiculous lengths, especially in illustrations for computer games - for example Aribeth from Neverwinter Nights


This site has a very useful guide to armour parts and variations.


As a side note, "standard" Roman military armour is basically symmetrical. However the addition of the fittings needed to hold the gladius, and any other equipment items, can soon upset the symmetry by adding lopsided diagonal belts and straps.

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