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Setting certain spots for 'Settlers' to stand in settlement


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Guard rugs have that active 100% of the time anyways. But yeh I tried that as well and they don't like the routing to the inside of the tubes. I think I just need to replace their movement with the institute teleports, which would be absolutely badass when fighting as I imagine they will teleport in range of shooting then teleport around if they need to move. But that's another mod for another time.


I think, as dumb as it sounds, I need to wait for the creation kit as maybe I need to alter their pathing to where if there is an obstruction, they just teleport or tcl past it to their marker.

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Guard rugs have that active 100% of the time anyways. But yeh I tried that as well and they don't like the routing to the inside of the tubes. I think I just need to replace their movement with the institute teleports, which would be absolutely badass when fighting as I imagine they will teleport in range of shooting then teleport around if they need to move. But that's another mod for another time.


I think, as dumb as it sounds, I need to wait for the creation kit as maybe I need to alter their pathing to where if there is an obstruction, they just teleport or tcl past it to their marker.

Bethesda's pathing AI (or lack thereof) at its best as usual... they'll never learn... :wallbash:

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