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Nifskope question


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So, I have been toying around with the different tools to edit FO4. One small thing I am doing, is editing one of the clock meshes to not be broken. I have already opened the mesh w/ 3ds max, made my changes, and exported back out as a Nif. Now, the new glass mesh I built, I am trying to assign it a material that I know will work well w/ what I have in mind, so I opened that model up, and noted that the block I needed to add was something along (Sorry, I dont have it present atm, I will update this when I can w/ exact wording)

BSShaderMaterial or some such, I have the exact line on my PC. But this isnt the issue.. the issue I am having is, if I try to insert a new block, or paste a copy of the block, it always ends up at the very bottom of the tree, and I cannot seem to adjust it to where I need it. To give an example:

-SubObject1 Modifier
-Place where I want new block to go

-Place where new block actually ends up.

I tried a few different things in here trying to get it to appear under (and thus effecting) the right object, but it ALWAYS adds it to the end of the file. What am I doing wrong here? Is this something I shouldve already added in 3ds max? Or am I missing an obvious means of moving it?

I have tried dragging it, that didnt work.. I tried the move up command, but that only changes the # (Not 100% sure on the effect of this? Seems to be an order of some kind). I right click->block-> insert on the "subobject2" from above, but it still puts it below.

I hope this makes sense what I am asking. Having a bit of power issue at home, so this is from my work PC. If this doesnt make sense at all, I will update it w/ screenshots when I can. Thanks all for your time, and everyones help along this process of learning the tools. Its been fun trying new things :)

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That got me too but I figured it out thanks to this tutorial that explains how to add a node (in this case an alpha node).

You just have to change the window view. In the new nifskope you have to add it in block details view.

Make sure you're using Block > Copy Branch and Block > Paste Branch like in previous versions.

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You rock man. After a little reading / tweaking, I got it to work great. (For some reason when I edited the mesh in 3ds max, it removed some of the data such as the collision and stuff, I had to re-add that from the original before it functioned.)

I now have a repaired clock w/ the glass texture I intended on it. Just need to adjust the transparency level now. :)

Thanks a million!

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Well, thankfully for me, I am actually not "used to" any version of nifskope :P I never actually did much w/ it prior to this. I used it to open and view a few things, but thats it really.

Its odd, when I load the mesh up in nifskope, it doesn't show any of the textures, despite knowing the directories and such.. it works fine in game, though, but I just find it odd that it won't load my textures into nifskope. Is it possible this is due to using the dx10+ .dds version? That's the only thing I can think of... it loaded the texture fine before I adjusted and re-saved it, using the dx10+ setting.

I also need to learn how to add the snap points.. I used an object that was already set up, so wasn't an issue here. But I will definitely need to figure that out going forward.

Anyway, thanks for the help. I was able to finish the glass portion of my little adjustment :) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9183/?

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Different question to save on threads -

I am really trying to understand things like display cases and such that open up. I found the activators, I found the lid / box nifs, I see the animation is on the lid. So I got all that. (I don't currently know how we are going about making animations exactly, I know nifskope has an import .kf function, but I havent gotten far into that. If there is a current tutorial on animating objects, that'd be awesome.)

My issue is this though: Through everything I can find NOTHING specifically linking the "lid" and the "box" together. There seems to be nothing that specifically links them together? So how does the game know to load the lid when you create the box? I know I MUST be missing something, but it is driving me crazy.

I appreciate all the help as always. For the record, while I AM asking a lot of questions, I am also answering a lot of questions on my own. I am not afraid to dig around and figure things out. But this is something that is alluding me... its probably something obvious, too, because of course it is.

Edited by JuJooGuppy
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