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goofy grin


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Is there a mod out there that wipes off that goofy grin that NPCs show whenever they look at or talk to you? Edited by click1
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The size of the grin varies with their disposition towards you. You can use the console command moddisposition to lower it. First while you're in 3rd person view open the console (use the tilde key by default ... the ~ right below the Tab key) and then click on your character. This will put your refID at the top of the screen. Write it down and close the console. When you run across an NPC you want to change open the console, click on them to get their refID at the top of the screen. Then enter (without the quotes) "moddisposition your_refID -1". This will only lower it by one but you will see what their disposition is currently at. Decide how low you want the final value (I generally don't go much below 60, 70 is usually fine), do the math and use that number instead of -1. If you want you can use the disposition mini-game to get the starting value and then do the change all at once. Often the disposition values get 'wound up' way past 100. It's common with friendlies to have that initial moddisposition -1 still return 100. Give it a big value (say -50) and then use a positive value to get it back where you want it. If you drive the value too low and close the console be prepared for a possible fight!
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