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Female Coursers


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easy to clone a courser change sex and then throw that armor onto them.and then throw them into the same spawner of the males...but voicetype would have to be mute unless someone can revoice all the male courser lines to female


so one person here knows part of how to do this, and everyone here has likely little to no experience with the CK. and more and more courser and other faction armor mods are coming out and look more badass on the female characters than male in some cases, so... proposal for those who are here looking for a solution to this dilemma; Band together, learn some CK, and make a group mod, Perhaps someone here is female and can re-voice the lines? if not then perhaps someone here knows a female who might be willing to re-voice the lines.

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That's an interesting concept. I guess that the Institute just didn't feel a need for female Coursers? Maybe they had one Courser template that all Coursers were based off of.

Chase from Far Harbor is a former courser, and female. So the Institute made at least one.

Her uniforn looks quite worn, so I guess the Institute discontinued her line years ago.

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