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Editing item help


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Hi, I have just gotten the construction set and I know some basics, such as making certain items keep the same form on male and female, editing their defense/attack points, etc; but I wanted to know how to completely retexture items, particularly clothing. For example, I would like to cut the lower half of a robe and use the top as just a shirt; I selected the robe to be just a shirt, but in game it looks terrible, as the bottom is still visible. I was wondering if anyone could help me with this.
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Oh wow; this is so much clearer, thank you. One thing I have to ask though, when I remove a piece from a model; lets say I remove "Bip 01 R foot", does that mean I am removing the part that will show on the item itself meaning if I were to put the item on in game, it would show me with a bare right foot, or will it make my character's foot entirely disappear?
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I think you are better to remove whole branches than individual nodes, less confusing that way.


Using robelcgreyf.nif as an example:


1. Save as something new.


2. Click on 1 NiTRiShape UpperBody


This highlights the main lower part of the robe in the render window. You can see that you want to delete this branch so right-click on it (in the Block List not the render window) and select Block > Remove Branch.


3. Now, in the render window, click on another part of the robe you wish to remove. This will highlight the corresponding Branch in the Block List. Right-click, Block > Remove Branch.


4. Repeat until all desired parts are removed, making sure to rotate the model (click and drag) to view from the rear also.


5. On the main menu select Spells > Sanitize > Reorder blocks then Spells > Optimize > Remove Bogus Nodes


6. Save again and you are done.

Edited by wetblanket
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You have been so much help, and I have been able to remove the bottom part of the robe, but I still have one problem: when I put it on in game, the top robe appears as it should, but my legs have disappeared and I cannot put on pants over it.
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