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The Wooden Mask and Screwing with Time


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So you found a Wooden Mask in Labyrithian and you put it on in witch it takes you to a Fully Restored Bronjunaar Sanctuary, now its a Hunt for All the Dragon Priest Masks in witch you come back and place them in the receptacles to get the Ultimate Mask, thus you leave the other masks behind and drop the Wooden Mask witch is lost in Time forever.


Question, how does this not effect the timeline and where does the Wooden Mask even come from.

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Yeah it does. The sanctuary you first visit and find the wooden mask next to the skeleton is in the "real world" and has gone through the passage of time, weather, etc. Whereas the sanctuary you visit after putting the wooden mask on is free of those natural elements and so remains in the state in which it was last left.


There would be no logical reason for the access point sanctuary to spontaneously be fixed up simply because one was transported to another dimension.

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  • 1 month later...

Rather than another dimension I would say the wooden mask transports you into a slice/pocket in time. You travel back into a static and enclosed pocket of time in which Konahrik recides. Because of that you don´t really change anything beyond the presence of Konahrik inside the sculpture. The time bubble isn´t touched/destroyed/or brought to the present so there isn´t a reason for the present to change in any way.

After all you don´t change time, what you did either already happened or the time bubble is outside the regular timestream of Nirn to begin with, like Alduin in his Elder Scroll induced exile.


That Konahrik is still in the shrine however has interesting implications for the Dragonwar: why did the 8 priests not unlock it and use its power in the war against the rebeling Nords? IMO because when they used their wooden mask and went into the bubble Konahrik had already been taken away by you. Otherwise I don´t see why they wouldn´t have used a mask called Warlord during the war.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ That's very interesting actually. But if I remember correctly (based on a loading screen lol), the Dragon-worshippers were cursed with undeath for betraying the Dragons. *shrug* Perhaps this is what they did: they hid Kohnarik and sealed it in time to keep the Dragons from using its power.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think the wooden mask once activated shows you what the place once looked like, much like a memory of the past.

So you are saying the Wooden Mask was an early version of the Oculus Rift running a virtual reality playback of the ancient dragon mask shrine? Makes sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(I just realized that after having read that again now. xD) Is dropping the Wooden Mask there actually possible? :O Now that's one way to get rid of things forever, heh. Try leaving the Daedric artifacts. XD

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