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F-Cup Armor Sets ?


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As you are finding, you've landed on one of the less popular size variants of the HGEC body. My meager search skills only turned up two.


Birdy Armor

BBB Gloria Armor (which will require Gloria and Trish Armor installed first ... not sure of sizes in the non-BBBed version)


The other thing you may not know is that because the armor or clothes you put on a body actually become the body part they're covering, if you install any other sizes of armor for HGEC they will still work, just not look the size you're after.

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Try E-cup - the difference is minimal and there seem to be more armours for it.


It seems odd that people go to all the effort to make an armour, then fail to port it to the relatively easy variants i.e. different sizes for the same body type. Not converting to BAB or roberts I can understand, but additional cup sizes for HGEC? Ah, well ... I'll stick to stock armour - that's all covered I think.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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