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A Few Schedule Package Problems


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Please keep in mind...I have just learned how to do this.


I made a new NPC...he's a battlemage. I created some packages for him. What the problem is he can't get out of the Arcane University! He just walks between the two main gate :wallbash: Will making him a Mages Guild Associate work? I tried looking into the other Battlemages but they aren't in the Mages Guild...so I don't know.


Here is my package SS (Tell me if you need more info):



Edited by HaltOCarrick
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Well, unfortunately... if you take a look at ArcaneUGateScript you'll see that those gates check to see if the actor activating them is a player or not. If a player it checks to see if they're in the Mage's Guild and at least rank >=1 and haven't been expelled before allowing activation. In the case of the actor not being the player, the script does a "return" instead of allowing the activation. You will have to alter this script to allow NPC activation by replacing the "return" with "activate". However, you should probably do something more detailed to prevent random NPCs from leaving the gate open (although the gate's script does have a timer that autocloses the gate after a very short period).
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Well, unfortunately... if you take a look at ArcaneUGateScript you'll see that those gates check to see if the actor activating them is a player or not. If a player it checks to see if they're in the Mage's Guild and at least rank >=1 and haven't been expelled before allowing activation. In the case of the actor not being the player, the script does a "return" instead of allowing the activation. You will have to alter this script to allow NPC activation by replacing the "return" with "activate". However, you should probably do something more detailed to prevent random NPCs from leaving the gate open (although the gate's script does have a timer that autocloses the gate after a very short period).


I replaced Return with Activate. Didn't seem to work though....

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Well, unfortunately... if you take a look at ArcaneUGateScript you'll see that those gates check to see if the actor activating them is a player or not. If a player it checks to see if they're in the Mage's Guild and at least rank >=1 and haven't been expelled before allowing activation. In the case of the actor not being the player, the script does a "return" instead of allowing the activation. You will have to alter this script to allow NPC activation by replacing the "return" with "activate". However, you should probably do something more detailed to prevent random NPCs from leaving the gate open (although the gate's script does have a timer that autocloses the gate after a very short period).


I replaced Return with Activate. Didn't seem to work though....


Well, you'll have to do all the checking to see if an actor can autonomously path through the gate. Are there markers? Has pathing been done? You may have to place your own pathing and markers as, if I remember correctly, NO actor that isn't a player actually does path through those gates. As far as I know, actors outside stay outside and actors inside stay inside when speaking of the Arcane University. You may need to string together 3 packages... travel package to marker at gate, useitemat package to activate the gate, travel package to marker that is past the gate. When creating new actors who have custom pathing, you're going to find that many locations simply do not possess the markers/pathing required for the job and you'll have to add your own. You might, however, be able to get away with substituting the gate's reference for needing a marker at the gate.

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I guess there's just something weird with those gates... Just now I put on my Gray Fox mask and ran through the gates, but the battle mages could not follow because they were stuck behind a closed gate. I had to go open the gate for them.
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The mage apprentices go through those gates with no difficulty.


Hmm, autonomously or following you as head of the mage's guild? Not that I don't believe you, hehe, just haven't seen them do it on their own before personally. If that's true though, and the script would indicate that it shouldn't be, it makes the problem here even harder to figure out :)

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No not autonomously, but once you're Arch Mage and get one as a follower. Perhaps as a follower they don't need a pathgrid ... I'm not currently able to check that area in the CS, but they will follow you through that gate.
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