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looking for help with nifskope


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ive made a mod called raider overhail wip, http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9103/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D9103%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D3733205&pUp=1 , and im very envious of castells eyewear retexture, and get a lot of pms asking me to either make a compatability patch or make my lenses transparent.


ive got my masks open in nifskope, ive added the correct trishape, made sure the string num was right, my materials are good to go, paths are correct, niap flags are good, made norm diff and spec maps, added the alpha channel to my mask textures, everything, in nifskope it looks perfect- but as soon as i load my game and equip i ctd


i just want to know if anyone can give me some advice, im getting pretty frustrated. i have no problems uploading pics or files or whatever, its all about community anyway.


i know that even a single misplaced letter in nifskope can ruin your day, but man i just cant seem to find it.


any help would be greatly appreciated

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Welcome to the jungle. Idk if the knowledgeable ppl don't really share their nifskopiness alchemy for pride, money or fame, but it's NOT so simple.


When I looked at the Rad-Bans, a couple of days ago, he subdivided the semi-transparent lens as a separate trishape from his frames. I only say this because you said you added the correct trishape, and he has one for the frames, the lens and the trademark, and when I looked at the way he constructed his mod, he ain't no beginner.


Good luck though, since your googles already are semi-transparent, and I like your helmet retexture.

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i just checked that .nif out, there was a diff version that i cant seem to find. but basically it was that plus the lense bgem attached to the 2nd trishape, and the mask bgsm attached to the first. and it looks like the number of strings is off.

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never mind i got it. check out raider overhaul wip to see some examples.

Yeah, but did you HAVE to duplicate the facemask twice? Once to make the lens totally transparent with the normal bgsm, and once to make them have the bgem effect? That's confusing to me because it doesn't seem parsimonious.


I think I'm gonna start fingerpainting.


Oh, and best practices with file saving with evolution of product like this is to save with an incremental index. It may save you time next time, by just having to look through your saves. The files are super small, so saving a lot of versions is inconsequential.

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