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In Game Map


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What I am requesting is either one of two things. This request will be used in a future house mod of mine, which I will need help with if I want to do what I imagine this home to do.

I either want a large painting that is a map of Cyrodiil or a table-top that could also be attached to the wall or floor which would be 3D.

The idea is to use the map as a way to teleport from a player home to the cities. I got the idea from Fable III and the Stargate Mod by AlexKnight1978. If you have this mod and or game you get the general idea. I've also attached a picture that I was trying to use in the manner of a wall painting, but just couldn't figure it out and honestly didn't really feel like doing something that I know someone else out there could do better.



Obviously all credit would go to the creator of this if someone chooses to accept the challenge.


Much Thanks To ALL modders. You guys are what make these games rock!

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