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Turning Covenant residents into settlers - after killing them all?


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thread Necro!

but it's relevant, since I finally managed to get this to work- had to use the following commands on all settlers:

first, Resurrect/Recycleactor anyone who happened to die on you.


Removefromallfactions (helps if you tcai first, you have to remove everyone you want to keep from the Covenant faction while paused or they will aggro on your new friends)

Addtofaction 1c21c 1 (adds them to Player faction as an Ally)

Addkeywork workshopallowcommand

Addkeywork workshopallowmove
setpv bcommandable true
setpv ballowmove true
setpv ballowcaravan true
then fast travel away and return, after that you can use the workbench to 'send' them to Covenant (even though they're already there), this will cause them to show up as population in workbench mods.
Seems like the addkeyword and setpv commands should be redundant, but I wasnt able to achieve results without using both. I'm also trying to use this to make Phyllis a settler at Egret Tours Marina, but she seems to be hard-coded to disallow her being moved from (even if I'm moving her TO there...)



Some of your command lines do not work with my Fallout 4 version it would seem. I mean the Addkeywork commands are not recognized: maybe not a PC console command?


The other Console commands, such as these, worked fine:

setpv bCommandable 1 (with the NPC targeted: to command a settler, such as a child who is normally not commandable)

Addtofaction 1c21c 1 works fine, at least on a Convenant NPC that died and was resurrected (I have not fully converted Convenant as I write).



Additional trick: if the NPC does not behave like he/she should, target it and use the command disable (will become invisible) and then enable : the NPC will reappear at her initial scripted spot and act normally and have all limbs/head, etc. I think fast travelling is another way of doing it; not sure.


nb: works best after oddly killing all the Convenant folk and therefore owning the settlement.

Edited by Seighfryd
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thread Necro!

but it's relevant, since I finally managed to get this to work- had to use the following commands on all settlers:

first, Resurrect/Recycleactor anyone who happened to die on you.


Removefromallfactions (helps if you tcai first, you have to remove everyone you want to keep from the Covenant faction while paused or they will aggro on your new friends)

Addtofaction 1c21c 1 (adds them to Player faction as an Ally)

Addkeyword workshopallowcommand

Addkeyword workshopallowmove
setpv bcommandable true
setpv ballowmove true
setpv ballowcaravan true
then fast travel away and return, after that you can use the workbench to 'send' them to Covenant (even though they're already there), this will cause them to show up as population in workbench mode.
Seems like the addkeyword and setpv commands should be redundant, but I wasnt able to achieve results without using both. I'm also trying to use this to make Phyllis a settler at Egret Tours Marina, but she seems to be hard-coded to disallow her being moved from (even if I'm moving her TO there...)


Ok, works overall. Just Swanson (guy at the door) and the doctor who seem to never obey and stick to their original pattern.


nb: had lost Talia (the mechanic there): think I bugged her out, but did [RefID].resurrect

Edited by Seighfryd
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Ended up being forced to kill all of Covenant's residents at the end of Human Error. It was too bad, I kind of liked their overly-friendliness and the nervous ones were kind of cute. Now I have Covenant available as a settlement, but then I had the idea that instead of repopulating Covenant with the same dirty, ugly, and familiar faces as are in all my other settlements, maybe I can resurrect the dead residents, remove them from the Covenant faction, and maybe they won't be hostile and I can have them as unique named settlers.


First, I tried placeatme to make a clone. No good, the clone doesn't acknowledge my existence when I go up to them and hit Talk.


So I tried resurrect and recycleactor on the corpses. The two commands seem to have the same result except recycleactor unquips their clothing (fast travel away and fast travel back fixes that). They aren't hostile, even if I don't remove them from the Covenant faction. They respond to Talk. Ted, Swanson, and the two Settlers are the only ones that can be highlighted in Workshop mode. Only Ted and the two Settlers can be assigned tasks, and assigning them to something (like crops) enables their Trade option. However, I can't trade or assign any of the other named characters to anything. I tried removing them from Covenant faction to see if that would do anything, but it doesn't. Any ideas?


I think there should have been another option to keep the residents, maybe a high-level persuasion check to persuade them synths aren't all evil. Or a high level threaten check to convince them to succumb to your leadership or die. I feel like a lot of the nervous residents might have preferred that option over death.


After I'd killed them, I had the idea that if you're aligned with the Institute, maybe it would have been cool if you had the option to repopulate the town with synth clones of the original residents.


If you get the HotMamaNPCFarHarbor mod you can simply send all the beautiful women from Far Harbor to Covenant. Nothing you can do about the men though.

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  • 11 months later...

Sorry if necroing offends anyone but if a topic is the only one that shows for something specific on the 1st page of a google search then in my eyes it is still relevant no matter how old it is as that is the 1st place people will look when searching their question (never did understand that whole necro bull tbh).


Took me forever of testing to figure out why this wont work for me and finally figured it out for anyone that it might help...
For some reason even though the npcs are friendly the tesla coils from nukaworld dlc like to target them anyway and it turns them hostile, after looking at the coils with fo4edit the conditions are really strange you'd think they were set to IsHostileToMe or something similar (i'm aware that doesn't exist) but no infact searching through the wiki of valid conditions there is no such check except IsHostileToActor which if used would make the tesla coils only work in game for enemies of a single character even if the one wearing it was the unwitting victim (i can see funny moments there)
In other words this works but don't wear Tesla coils around them.
This is what i did on the npc to get them to work.
Saved to a text file called CovRes.txt in the data folder and then typing "bat CovRes" in console for those that didn't know about bat files.
Addtofaction 1c21c 1
Addtofaction 000337F3 1
Addkeyword workshopallowcommand
Addkeyword workshopallowmove
Addkeyword workshopallowcaravan
setpv bcommandable 1
setpv ballowmove 1
setpv ballowcaravan 1
Again this works but don't wear Tesla coils around them.
If a clever soul knows how to fix that issue even in fo4edit i would be grateful
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  • 1 year later...


Sorry if necroing offends anyone but if a topic is the only one that shows for something specific on the 1st page of a google search then in my eyes it is still relevant no matter how old it is as that is the 1st place people will look when searching their question (never did understand that whole necro bull tbh).


Took me forever of testing to figure out why this wont work for me and finally figured it out for anyone that it might help...
For some reason even though the npcs are friendly the tesla coils from nukaworld dlc like to target them anyway and it turns them hostile, after looking at the coils with fo4edit the conditions are really strange you'd think they were set to IsHostileToMe or something similar (i'm aware that doesn't exist) but no infact searching through the wiki of valid conditions there is no such check except IsHostileToActor which if used would make the tesla coils only work in game for enemies of a single character even if the one wearing it was the unwitting victim (i can see funny moments there)
In other words this works but don't wear Tesla coils around them.
This is what i did on the npc to get them to work.
Saved to a text file called CovRes.txt in the data folder and then typing "bat CovRes" in console for those that didn't know about bat files.
Addtofaction 1c21c 1
Addtofaction 000337F3 1
Addkeyword workshopallowcommand
Addkeyword workshopallowmove
Addkeyword workshopallowcaravan
setpv bcommandable 1
setpv ballowmove 1
setpv ballowcaravan 1
Again this works but don't wear Tesla coils around them.
If a clever soul knows how to fix that issue even in fo4edit i would be grateful


Is this a possible cause for game crash on or slightly after load? Just tried this fix and now: crashapalooza.

I just want Talia back, I feel horrible for having to kill her :(

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