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Shivering Isles not activating


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No, that's not on my map.


And it's installed in Program Files now, not (x86). :P I had that problem with OOO earlier, so I reinstalled literally everything over to Program Files so I wouldn't have any more problems.


That was the very worst move you could have made. Progame Files is one of the biggest causes of problems in games.


As far as Shivering Isles not activating, it does not activate immediately. Go about your business and within 3-4 days, usually, the quest will kick in.


Yeah, well, moving it fixed the problem I was having with saving my game, and the install is working perfectly fine for my other character, so I really don't think that's the problem this time. :/


And it's been at least two weeks in-game since I installed it... T_T If moving the game is the only solution anyone can come up with, I'm just gonna accept that this character won't be going to Shivering Isles and do it with somebody else. I'm not moving the thing again, and on my old PC (also windows 7) it was never a problem to have it there, so I don't see why it would be now. If this is the only issue, I can live with it. I just wish I knew what was wrong.


HEY wait a minute... Shouldn't there, erm... be a console command I can use to fix this? If it's all properly installed, might I just be able to trigger the quest myself with the console? The worst that could happen is I mess up one savegame, right? Does anyone know what that command would be?

Edited by okappa
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Thanks. I tried it, and it triggered the quest properly. Still no word on if the door's actually appeared, but it's marked on my map now.


When I finally get out of this god-forsaken Oblivion gate I'll head down there to check. :)


EDIT: Well, good and bad news.


The good news is that the island is there in all its glory, complete with crazies and the Door


The bad news is that, when I try to enter the Door, it says something along the lines of "This door will not open for you yet" and blocks me from entering.


What, exactly, does that mean? T.T

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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys, I have the same problem as the OP, but using the setstage SE01Door 10 command in the console results in an error!


I get something that reads


Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun', line 1:

Item Command "SE01Door" not found


-or- if I run the command all together with no spaces,


Script 'SysWindowCompileAndRun', line 1:

Script Command "setstageSE01Door10" not found


Any ideas?



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Typically it's frowned upon to necro old topics as most people won't read through the entire topic then respond to your post. I do salute your earnest efforts in finding an answer though (as you obviously searched for people with similar problems before posting) but it's typically suggested to start your own topic.


In order to help you troubleshoot your issue we'll need some information. Can you post a full load order (preferably in a /spoiler tag) and are you sure it's not a Windows UAC issue? Modding Oblivion on Vista or 7 while having Oblivion installed to the default \Program Files\ or \Program Files (x86)\ directories causes all kinds of issues thanks to a "security feature" implemented by Microsoft.


Item Command "SE01Door" not found


This line suggests that you do not have SI installed/active in your current game. Are you sure you installed it properly and did you remember to activate it's plugin before starting Oblivion?

Edited by MShoap13
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