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OBSE 20 problems...


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Has anyone else noticed that OBSE 20 CTDs a LOT? It's only when I try to install new mods and deactivating them makes the problem go away. I tried to install several mods last night that I KNEW should be fine, the BAB version of Acolate of Kyernith (sp) for one, I have several of that person's mods and have never had a problem before. I'm used to some mods with BSAs crashing but not mods that only have meshes, textures and the EXP in them.


I loaded about 25 mods into my game last night, only 10 worked. I'm used to downloading a mod and seeing that it's missing a mesh or something and deleting the mod. Every single mod that allowed me to get past the Bethesda logo worked perfectly. I also recently activated an exit mod that keeps CTD from happening. (It had gotten so bad I had to turn OFF my computer to get out of the game!) And a stutter reducer.


I'll be happy to get the names of the mods and links if it would help but I'm almost convinced it's OBSE 20. If anyone has a stable link to version 19 I'd appreciate it.

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Dear Saraane, I know exactly what you mean, but you have to remember that OBSE is a facility created by modding enthusiasts and not by gaming professionals! You must learn to rock and roll with this stuff. It is not the god given right of the end user to complain about local services! Comprende.


Best Wishes Zapata935

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OBSE does nothing to game stability in and of itself, I have been using v.20 since beta 4, and have no issues with it whatsoever. If deactivating a couple mods that you had just installed, caused it to 'start working again', I would look long and hard at that particular installation.
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