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Bananasplit Better Cities without Shivering Isles - Possible?


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in the past I always used Bananasplit Better Cities and after a long break from Oblivion I wanted to use it this time too.

However I had to notice that meanwhile it requires Shivering Isles. And this is my problem. As I only have a plain version of Oblivion.

Therefore my question is how it is possible for me to obtain a version of Bananasplit Better Cities which is old enough to not require Shiververing Isles.

It is possible that I am mistaken and every version of Bananasplit Better Cities required Shivering Isles. Still I have never noticed anything like that with earlier versions.

I would be grateful for any kind of help.




Mostly the same text just in German:


ich habe in der Vergangenheit immer Bananasplit Better Cities verwendet und wollte es nach langer Spielpause auch diesmal wieder verwenden.

Allerdings musste ich feststellen, dass es mittlerweile Shivering Isles benötigt. Und hier liegt das Problem für mich, da ich nur eine stink normale Version von Oblivion besitze.

Meine Frage ist nun wie ich an eine Version von Bananasplit Better Cities, die noch kein Shivering Isles voraussetzt, kommen kann.

Es ist auch möglich, dass ich mich irre und jede Version dieses Mods Shivering Isles benötigte. Jedoch habe ich das bei früheren Versionen nie bemerkt.

Für jede Hilfe wäre ich sehr dankbar.

Edited by Miro sama
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Original versions

Bananasplit Better Cities Skingrad (German)

Bananasplit Better Cities2 Bravil (German)

Bananasplit Better Cities3 IC Market Discrict (German)


The only other Better Cities I am aware of (besides translations of the above) are the current BBC which requires SI.

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Thank you.

I will consider it.

For the time being I am going to play Nehrim until I buy SI - if I buy it at all.

But honestly it is kind of sad that such a great mod requires anything besides the original game.

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