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body slide?


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Okay, time to do this once again. Delete Bodyslide from your system. Go into where you have Fallout 4 installed, then the Data folder. Delete Tools. Start NMM. Delete Bodyslide anywhere you can see it, if still there. Go to here:

http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25/ and click on Files. Then click download with manager. This will bring up Nexus Mod Manager option to download. Then click okay. Once it is done, in the lower left hand pane, do the following:

Nexus Mod Manager

  1. Install the archive to Nexus Mod Manager like you would do with any other mod and enable it.
  2. Restart NMM and BodySlide should appear in the "Supported Tools" list at the top of the window (not "Tools"!).
  3. If it doesn't, go to the "Settings" and under "Supported Tools" enter the path to the BodySlide installation in your Fallout 4 folder.
  4. IMPORTANT: Do NOT choose the virtual mod folder as the directory, instead enter the real BodySlide folder of your game installation.
  5. Choose "Launch BodySlide" in your tools list and always run it from here.

If you're experiencing any problems, locate the main Mod Organizer/Nexus Mod Manager and BodySlide executables and set them to always run with admin elevation.


This is simple, easy to understand. This is not like rocket surgery.

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