saintgrimm92 Posted February 1, 2016 Share Posted February 1, 2016 I'm tweaking my mod before it's final release and am looking for the transformations I've created to re-equip the items the player was wearing before they transformed... But I'm not good at scripting at all... Anyone wanna help me create the script? This is what I have so far for the transformations (they're all pretty much the same, just a few diff properties) Scriptname AAEmptyGodTransformScript extends activemagiceffect Armor Property boundArmor Auto Idle Property IdleAnimation Auto Explosion Property ExplosionEffect Auto Idle Property IdleAnimationEnd Auto WEAPON Property scythe Auto armor property shield auto spell property combat auto spell property phantasm auto spell property shieldspell auto spell property stagger auto EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Target.PlayIdle(IdleAnimation) Utility.Wait(3) Target.placeatme(ExplosionEffect) Game.ShakeCamera(afDuration = 5) caster.equipItem(boundArmor, TRUE, TRUE) caster.equipItem(Scythe, TRUE, TRUE) caster.equipItem(shield, TRUE, TRUE) caster.addspell(combat) caster.addspell(shieldspell) caster.equipspell(phantasm, 2) Utility.Wait(4) Target.PlayIdle(IdleAnimationEnd) endevent EVENT OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Target.placeatme(ExplosionEffect) caster.removeitem(boundArmor,caster.getItemCount(boundArmor),TRUE) caster.removeitem(scythe,caster.getItemCount(scythe),TRUE) caster.removeitem(shield,caster.getItemCount(shield),TRUE) caster.removespell(combat) caster.removespell(shieldspell) caster.removespell(phantasm) stagger.cast(caster) endEVENT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsharaMeradin Posted February 1, 2016 Share Posted February 1, 2016 Use SKSE's GetWornForm() to target the item(s) currently worn in the slots you will be replacing. Store them in a variable so that you can re-equip later (provided the player/actor still has them). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saintgrimm92 Posted February 1, 2016 Author Share Posted February 1, 2016 (edited) I have no idea what you mean by store them in a variable... Also, taking the example.... would I put this in the effect start, Game.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000004) as ArmorGame.GetPlayer().GetWornForm(0x00000005) as Boots (or maybe as feet? lol no clue) Then in the effect end Game.GetPlayer().additem(0x00000004, true, true)Game.GetPlayer().additem(0x00000005, true, true) EDIT: And hello again! :P Edited February 1, 2016 by saintgrimm92 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE Posted February 1, 2016 Share Posted February 1, 2016 (edited) It's not foolproof and can probably be done more efficiently, but should do the armor they were wearing. Scriptname AAEmptyGodTransformScript extends activemagiceffect Armor Property boundArmor Auto Idle Property IdleAnimation Auto Explosion Property ExplosionEffect Auto Idle Property IdleAnimationEnd Auto WEAPON Property scythe Auto armor property shield auto spell property combat auto spell property phantasm auto spell property shieldspell auto spell property stagger auto Form[] StoredForms Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Target.PlayIdle(IdleAnimation) Utility.Wait(3) Target.placeatme(ExplosionEffect) Game.ShakeCamera(afDuration = 5) StoredForms = StoreWornForms(Caster) caster.equipItem(boundArmor, TRUE, TRUE) caster.equipItem(Scythe, TRUE, TRUE) caster.equipItem(shield, TRUE, TRUE) caster.addspell(combat) caster.addspell(shieldspell) caster.equipspell(phantasm, 2) Utility.Wait(4) Target.PlayIdle(IdleAnimationEnd) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Target.placeatme(ExplosionEffect) caster.removeitem(boundArmor,caster.getItemCount(boundArmor),TRUE) caster.removeitem(scythe,caster.getItemCount(scythe),TRUE) caster.removeitem(shield,caster.getItemCount(shield),TRUE) caster.removespell(combat) caster.removespell(shieldspell) caster.removespell(phantasm) stagger.cast(caster) EquipStoredForms(caster) EndEvent Form[] Function StoreWornForms(Actor akActor) Form[] WornForms Int i Int SlotsChecked = (0x00100000 + 0x00200000 + 0x80000000) Int ThisSlot = 1 while (ThisSlot < 0x80000000) If (Math.LogicalAnd(SlotsChecked, ThisSlot) != ThisSlot) Form ThisForm = akActor.GetWornForm(ThisSlot) If (ThisForm As Armor) i += 1 WornForms = Utility.ResizeFormArray(WornForms, i, ThisForm) SlotsChecked += (ThisForm As Armor).GetSlotMask() Else ;no armor was found on this slot SlotsChecked += ThisSlot EndIf EndIf ThisSlot *= 2 EndWhile Return WornForms EndFunction Function EquipStoredForms(Actor akActor) Int i = StoredForms.Length While i > 0 i -= 1 If !akActor.IsEquipped(StoredForms[i]) akActor.EquipItem(StoredForms[i], False, True) EndIf EndWhile EndFunctionEdit: Requires SKSE 1.7.3 or greater (due to using resize array) Edited February 1, 2016 by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
saintgrimm92 Posted February 1, 2016 Author Share Posted February 1, 2016 Wow, that's way above my level haha but thank you very much :) I'll add it in :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE Posted February 1, 2016 Share Posted February 1, 2016 (edited) In response to your pm...This covers restoring weapon in left and right hand.Also adds a check on equip that the actor still has the item before equipping.(Just in case the actor drops the item from their inventory while transformed, this way they won't receive another item when they no longer have the item) Scriptname AAEmptyGodTransformScript extends activemagiceffect Armor Property boundArmor Auto Idle Property IdleAnimation Auto Explosion Property ExplosionEffect Auto Idle Property IdleAnimationEnd Auto WEAPON Property scythe Auto armor property shield auto spell property combat auto spell property phantasm auto spell property shieldspell auto spell property stagger auto Form[] StoredForms Form[] HandsRL Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Target.PlayIdle(IdleAnimation) Utility.Wait(3) Target.placeatme(ExplosionEffect) Game.ShakeCamera(afDuration = 5) StoredForms = StoreWornForms(Caster) caster.equipItem(boundArmor, TRUE, TRUE) caster.equipItem(Scythe, TRUE, TRUE) caster.equipItem(shield, TRUE, TRUE) caster.addspell(combat) caster.addspell(shieldspell) caster.equipspell(phantasm, 2) Utility.Wait(4) Target.PlayIdle(IdleAnimationEnd) EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Target.placeatme(ExplosionEffect) caster.removeitem(boundArmor,caster.getItemCount(boundArmor),TRUE) caster.removeitem(scythe,caster.getItemCount(scythe),TRUE) caster.removeitem(shield,caster.getItemCount(shield),TRUE) caster.removespell(combat) caster.removespell(shieldspell) caster.removespell(phantasm) stagger.cast(caster) EquipStoredForms(caster) EndEvent Form[] Function StoreWornForms(Actor akActor) Form[] WornForms HandsRL = New Form[2] Form ThisForm Int i Int SlotsChecked = (0x00100000 + 0x00200000 + 0x80000000) Int ThisSlot = 1 while (ThisSlot < 0x80000000) If (Math.LogicalAnd(SlotsChecked, ThisSlot) != ThisSlot) ThisForm = akActor.GetWornForm(ThisSlot) If (ThisForm As Armor) i += 1 WornForms = Utility.ResizeFormArray(WornForms, i, ThisForm) SlotsChecked += (ThisForm As Armor).GetSlotMask() Else ;no armor was found on this slot SlotsChecked += ThisSlot EndIf EndIf ThisSlot *= 2 EndWhile i = akActor.GetEquippedItemType(1) If i > 0 && i != 10 HandsRL[0] = akActor.GetEquippedObject(1) EndIf i = akActor.GetEquippedItemType(0) If i > 0 && i != 10 HandsRL[1] = akActor.GetEquippedObject(0) EndIf Return WornForms EndFunction Function EquipStoredForms(Actor akActor) Int i = StoredForms.Length While i > 0 i -= 1 If ((akActor.GetItemCount(StoredForms[i]) > 0) && (!akActor.IsEquipped(StoredForms[i]))) akActor.EquipItem(StoredForms[i], False, True) EndIf EndWhile If (HandsRL[0] && (!akActor.IsEquipped(HandsRL[0]))) If (HandsRL[0] As Spell) akActor.EquipSpell(HandsRL[0] As Spell, 1) Else If akActor.GetItemCount(HandsRL[0]) > 0 akActor.EquipItemEx(HandsRL[0], 1) EndIf EndIf EndIf If (HandsRL[1] && (!akActor.IsEquipped(HandsRL[1]))) If (HandsRL[1] As Spell) akActor.EquipSpell(HandsRL[1] As Spell, 0) Else If akActor.GetItemCount(HandsRL[1]) > 0 akActor.EquipItemEx(HandsRL[1], 2) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunctionEdit: Had to change things with equipping equipped weapons, spells, torches etc..I overlooked the hand the weapon, spell or torch was in and equipped prior. Now it restores any spell, weapon, torch to the correct hand providing the actor still has them in inventory before transforming back.Excludes checking if they still have a prior equipped spell, due to spell natively can't be dropped from inventory like other items. :smile: Since i don't have your spells and whatnot I tested the added functions by putting them in a script attached to a trigger volume.OnTriggerEnter() event I store my stuff and unequip all.OnTriggerLeave() event I re-equip my sttored stuff. Tried different equipment before entering the trigger.Each time when i left the trigger I was re-equipped with what I had prior. Note: I wouldn't use this method for a stripping trigger volume, eg: spa or sauna..Since their are a lot shorter and more efficient methods for strip and re-equip. But for the instance your using where your only replacing certain weapons and armor, then those strip methods wouldn't work for your needs. Edited February 2, 2016 by sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LoonyDoll Posted September 1, 2016 Share Posted September 1, 2016 (edited) I can't get this to work with if conditionals if (akCaster.GetItemCount(SomeItem) == 0) StoredForms = StoreWornForms(akCaster)else EquipStoredForms(akCaster) The idea is the script fires off and checks if something is equipped, and if it is, stuff happens. if it isn't, other stuff happens.I was hoping to add this functionality to the script. I can get it working when the if's are skipped like in the context of the response (OnEffectStart/OnEffectFinish)The script in question is a transformation script itself, but runs like a toggle reliant on that conditional item present or not. So hitting it once would ideally store the forms, hitting it again would call them.Sorry to barge into this thread and ask, this is literally the only good source of information I can find anywhere on it. Edited September 1, 2016 by LoonyDoll Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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